Vol 18 No 1-2 (2011)

International Tribute to Esperanza Guisán (Volume II)

Second volume (double) of the International Seminar Tribute to Esperanza Guisán developed in Santiago de Compostela in 2010 (published in December of 2013).

Published: 2013-12-25

Table of contents

Introductory words

  • José L. Tasset
  • Raquel Díaz Seijas
Published: 09-12-2013
Pages 9-10

Thanks to Esperanza Guisán

  • Carlos Mellizo
Published: 16-12-2012
Pages 13-16

Another utilitarian album

  • José L. Tasset
  • Raquel Díaz Seijas
Published: 19-11-2013
Pages 19-20

John Stuart Mill’s Journey to Socialism

  • Frederick Rosen
Published: 26-02-2013
Pages 23-43

Consequences, of what? Keys to the survival of Utilitarianism

  • Francisco Lara
Published: 15-11-2013
Pages 105-125

What children to have. Procreative Liberty, Parental Autonomy and the Harm Principle.

  • Blanca Rodríguez López
Published: 16-10-2013
Pages 127-151

Judicial argumentation: Control and Responsibility of Judicial Organs.

  • Manuel Segura Ortega
Published: 17-05-2013
Pages 197-229

The Proof in Cases of Gender Violence

  • Sonia Esperanza Rodríguez Boente
Pages 231-246

The democratic revolution of the Arab world and the axial civilisations

  • Álvaro Espina
Published: 06-11-2013
Pages 247-281

Journals received

  • Raquel Díaz Seijas
Pages 321-327