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Luisa Fernanda Ortegón Sepúlveda
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
No 7 (2020), Notes, pages 5-18
Submitted: 28-02-2018 Accepted: 07-02-2019 Published: 29-01-2020
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When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit (1971) and The moon in the almond trees (2014) are novels of children's and youth literature with a historical narrative. In spite of having occurrence of events in very opposed geographic places, they have several aspects in common, one of them is the fact that they occur during war where children are not only protagonists but are also the eyes through which we see and feel the story. The first novel refers to the Nazi Germany period, that took place between 1933 and 1935, when Adolf Hitler was candidate for rising to power, fact that would trigger the Second World War few years later. The second literary work obeys to the inner armed conflict that Colombia has lived for more than 50 years. Both works cover the war conflict theme from a vision different to the adult one. Thus, the forced displacement to which protagonists are obligated to is told in a simpler way but not less serious, what doubtlessly provides historical memory to this literary system.

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Grupo de Memoria Histórica (GMH) (2013). ¡Basta ya! Memorias de guerra y dignidad. Bogotá: Imprenta Nacional.

Kerr, J. (1995). Cuando Hitler robó el conejo rosa. Madrid: Alfaguara.

Meneses Claro, G. (2013). La luna en los almendros. Bogotá: Ediciones SM.

Naciones Unidas. Asamblea General. Declaración sobre los Principios Fundamentales de Justicia para las Víctimas de Delitos y del Abuso de Poder: Resolución 40/34 del 29 de noviembre de 1985, párrafo 1.

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Wills, M. E. (2015). Los tres nudos de la guerra colombiana. Bogotá: Desde Abajo.