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Maria Belen Randazzo
Universidad Nacional del Sur
No 11 (2024), Monographic section. The Middle Ages for the early ages: the medieval imagery in literary production aimed at children and young adults, pages 1-26
Submitted: 07-09-2024 Accepted: 04-11-2024 Published: 27-12-2024
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This article proposes a comparative analysis of four comics based on the story of El Cid Campeador, published in Argentina and Spain between 2012 and 2020. The texts are approached using a three-level analysis methodology, which considers the comic's double iconic and linguistic dimension, but paying special attention to the study of the intertextual relationships between the adaptations and the Cid’s literaty matter. We aim to show that, while in the local versions, the story of the hero seeks to reach a child-youth reader and reveals a high degree of fidelity to the Cantar de Mío Cid, the Spanish versions relate to a much broader repertoire of medieval sources, through freer creative decision, and attempt to bring the story of the Cid closer to a more diverse public in terms of age. In both publishing markets, there is a current interest in spreading the story of the medieval hero through popular consumption media, but factors such as greater or lesser circulation and the different degree of knowledge of the Cid’s literary matter condition the type of comics produced about the real or legendary Cid’s story.