Towards a social dialectometry: the analysis of internal border effects
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We aim to broaden the scope of border studies in dialectology and show that intra-state political borders can impact dialect continua as significantly as inter-state political borders. Our analysis focuses on the processes of language change currently taking place on either side of the Catalonia-Aragon border in Spain. We aim to bring dialectometry and sociolinguistics closer together by using generalized additive mixed-effects regression modelling allowing us to simultaneously analyze a large corpus of items and assess which social variables are responsible for this internal border effect. Firstly, our results confirm that the internal border between Catalonia and Aragon, arising from two simultaneous processes of vertical advergence (towards standard Catalan in Catalonia and towards standard Spanish in Aragon), has a stronger effect than the international border between Spain and Andorra. This emphasizes the need to investigate internal borders in linguistic convergence and divergence studies. Secondly, our findings indicate that the main predictors of change are the speakers’ year and birth region. This provides evidence that the border effect should be attributed, more than any other social factor, to the long-term consequences of belonging to distinct administrations. Finally, after comparing various indicators of the sociolinguistic evolution of the Aragonese Catalan dialects, we conclude that in this process of language shift, the decline in ethnolinguistic vitality of the recessive language correlates with an increase in structural hybridization caused by advergence towards the expanding language. This prompts further exploration into whether hybridization is a cause, mechanism, or result of the processes of language substitution.
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