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Laura Paz Fentanes
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
No 61 (2023), Studies
Submitted: 31-05-2023 Accepted: 22-10-2023 Published: 20-12-2023
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This article describes the literary relationship between two great Galician poets: José Ángel Valente and Luz Pozo Garza, pioneers in the use of Galician as a written and literary language in the post-war period. It explains how they met, brings together the mutual dedications that they have written to each other and, on the part of the Ribadense poet, the mentions she makes of Valente in her correspondence with two great friends of both, the poets Claudio Rodríguez Fer and Carmen Blanco, and the poems that Luz Pozo Garza wrote in honour of Valente. In them echoes of Valentean poetry were found in the multiple references to the titles of José Ángel Valente’s poetry books, as well as to his sources and most admired poets, such as Rimbaud or Lautréamont. To carry out all these tasks, we searched the information in the personal library of José Ángel Valente, kept in the José Ángel Valente Chair of Poetry and Aesthetics at the University of Santiago de Compostela; in the legacy of Luz Pozo Garza, in the Library of Galicia in the City of Culture; and in the publications that collect the poems that Luz Pozo Garza dedicated to José Ángel Valente, that is, the books Homaxe a José Ángel Valente and Poetas con Valente and the magazines Clave Orión and Unión Libre.

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