Two approaches to the life and work of Xela Arias, free woman for her choices
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The researcher, professor of Galician Literature at USC and literary critic María Xesús Nogueira publishes in 2021 two volumes around the figure of Xela Arias, the poet honoured with the Galician Letters Day 2021. This academic note aims to make a comparison between both works, highlighting the analysis of the points in common and looking for the why of the differences, that will arise due especially to the type of public to which each one is oriented. It will also try to examine the fulfilment or non-fulfilment of some of the most problematic characteristics of the biography genre established by Ricardo Senabre (1998) and Arenas Cruz (1998) in these two specific works.
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Arenas Cruz, M. E. (1998). La biografía como clase de textos del género argumentativo. En J. Romera Castillo e F. Gutiérrez Carbajo (Eds.), Biografías literarias (1975-1997). Actas del VII Seminario Internacional del Instituto de Semiótica Literaria, Teatral y Nuevas Tecnologías de la UNED (pp. 313-321). Visor.
Freixanes, V. F (13 de maio de 2021). Xela Arias. Tribuna. Real Academia Galega.
Nogueira, M. X. (Ed.) (2021a). Xela Arias. A literatura e a vida, por elección. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.
Nogueira, M. X. (2021b). Xela Arias. Os territorios da liberdade. Xerais.
Ramírez, J. A. (1976). Medios de masas e historia del arte. Cátedra.
Senabre, R. (1998). Sobre el estatuto genérico de la biografía. En J. Romera Castillo e F. Gutiérrez Carbajo (Eds.), Biografías literarias (1975-1997). Actas del VII Seminario Internacional del Instituto de Semiótica Literaria, Teatral y Nuevas Tecnologías de la UNED (pp. 29-37). Visor.
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