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Ana Belén García Benito
University of Extremadura
No 60 (2022), Studies, pages 1-18
Submitted: 04-03-2022 Accepted: 11-09-2022 Published: 26-12-2022
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At a time when the African continent seems to have begun a new cycle of adaptation of state institutions to the new times, Angolan writer Pepetela publishes Sua excelência de corpo presente (2018), a work of fiction on the intricacies of power in Africa. Studies of the "narrative of violence" (Tomás Cámara, 2017), in the field of the "African Dictator Novel" (Veit-Wild, 2006, Walonen, 2011) or "Politique-Fiction" (Coussy, 2000) are the theoretical framework that allows us to analyse this novel, which represents in African literature the "dictator novel" genre in its archetypal manifestation, while at the same time revealing itself as a highly original work. Features such as the symbolic-mythical dimension - with the choice of a corpse tyrant as the protagonist -, the non-existence of dialogue between literary discourse and other discourses, the metaphorical and hopeful ending of the novel - a burlesque strategy that closes the narrative by way of narrative justice -, the satirical aesthetic that dominates the narrative - combining parodic elements with others prototypical of African political practices of dictatorships -, situate the novel in the present complexity resulting from the multiple typology of conflicts.