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Augusto Moretti de Barros
Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Rafaela Souza Maldonado
Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
No 59 (2021): 2º semestre, Notes, pages 1-12
Submitted: 14-10-2021 Accepted: 21-11-2021 Published: 30-12-2021
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In this article we understand that the margin literature must occupy prominent space in academic studies, as it is a literary expression that represents important themes, such as discrimination and violence, from authors who experience such environment and through a linguistic performance that makes up the work in a very significant and particular way. In this regard, we support the work with songs lyrics, more specifically rap music, so that it can give voice to this marginalized literature which presents characteristics that place it on the same level as the works that have already been established. For our investigation, we selected the rap song “A vingança”, from 1998, composed and performed by the group from São Paulo, Face da Morte. In our analysis we present as main theoretical framework: Benjamin (1994) to deal with the narrative construction; Pellegrini (2005) and Hollanda (2018) as a source to address the theme of exclusion and violence in contemporary literature; and Barthes (2000) as a basis for understanding the linguistic choices made by the narrator. Thus, we aim to highlight how the rap lyrics approach violence and develop its characters within this theme.

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