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Elisama Sousa de Oliveira
Escola Superior de Educação do Politécnico do Porto
No 57 (2020): 2nd semester, Studies, pages 39-51
Submitted: 18-09-2020 Accepted: 26-11-2020 Published: 29-12-2020
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This article results from the conjugation of two factors: on the one hand, from the desire to study the texts of Poetic Art by Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, which in more recent times have remained slightly forgotten and, on the other hand, taking into account, as Mª Graciete Besse (1990) has stated, that the principles of the andresenian Poetic Art are "also found in the prose texts" (p. 11), making use of the "great thematic and stylistic unity" (Gomes, 2000, p. 11) that José António Gomes perceived in the oeuvre of the author of The Girl of the Sea, carry out a comparative study that makes visible the reflections of Sophia’s poetic precepts in her narrative prose aimed at children and young people, pointing out, in between, paths that demonstrate the pedagogic utility of their comparative reading in the Literary Education field.

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Andresen, S. (1964). Arte Poética III. En Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (2011), Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen no seu tempo: Momentos e Documentos (Selecção, conteúdos e organização por Maria Andresen Sousa Tavares).

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