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Laura Caamaño Pérez
CRPIH Centro Ramón Piñeiro para a Investigación en Humanidades
No 56 (2020): 1st semester, Notes, pages 5-21
Submitted: 04-11-2019 Accepted: 04-06-2020 Published: 30-06-2020
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Xohana Torres’ novel, Adiós, María, published in 1971, won the 1970 Galicia Prize convened by the Galician Center from Buenos Aires, which is considered one of the most prestigious literary awards at the time. However, the first and only novel by Xohana Torres didn`t get sufficient attention of criticism. The few and occasional contributions which were appearing separately proved to be insufficient and superficial, providing evidence of the lack of interest in the moment of its appearance. Having this into account, in the first part of this study will be conducted an approaching of the context and the relevance of Galicia Prize for Xohana Torres and then offering an analysis of the controversy surrounding the awarding of the prize to this writer. In the second part, it will be offered a review of the comments about the novel in journal Grial between 1970 and 1980.

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