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Laura Caamaño Pérez
Centro Ramón Piñeiro para a Investigación en Humanidades
No 55 (2019): 2º semestre, Notes
Submitted: 04-09-2019 Accepted: 25-11-2019 Published: 07-01-2020
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On the basis of Comparative Literary Studies, in particular, Literary Geography, it is offered a proposal for analysing the projected spaces, a term coined by Barbara Piatti, in La Busca by Pío Baroja. Considering that it is a novel in which urban geography of Madrid is especially important because of the large number of topography references which characterize the space in the work, special attention is given to projected spaces studies in the novel. Firstly, brief considerations about the state of the question in space Humanities; afterwards, in the main body of the paper it will be characterized the space of 19th century Madrid and the different projected spaces which triggers the dialogue between characters will be analysed.

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