No 45 (2011), Studies
Submitted: 10-05-2012
Accepted: 10-05-2012
Published: 10-05-2012
Taking as an instance the production of two well-known authoresesssuch as Eavan Boland and Chus Pato, my analysis will ponderon the similarities and connections between the processes of poeticalinnovation and of reappropriation of the female voice within theIrish and Galician literature by establishing the thematic and formalconfluences which exist amongst them. Undoubtedly, women haveplayed an essential role in the history of literature, especially asregards the art of poetry. However, this role was traditionally relatedto the identification of women with the object of the poem as itsmuse or main character. In the last decades of the 20th centurythere has been a reversion on this tendency by which the femaleidentity has turned into the subject of the poem and ‘re-owned’ thediscourse of femininity in poetry.
contemporary poetry, Galicia, Ireland, women