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Antonio Apolinario Lourenço
Universidade de Coimbra – Centro de Literatura Portuguesa
No 45 (2011), Studies
Submitted: 10-05-2012 Accepted: 10-05-2012 Published: 10-05-2012
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Son of Galician emigrants to Lisboa, Alfredo Guisado was one ofthe main friends and contributors of Fernando Pessoa, being oneof the founders of the journal Orpheu, the first means of Portuguesevanguard. He was also one of the first (and for some time the onlyone) to know the secret of the Pessonian heteronomy. The poems andbooks which he published during the years that he was linked toPortuguese Modernism have been counted amongst the most representativesof the various branches of the Orphian movement:Paulism, Intersectionism, Sensationism. “Guisado has lately producedsome extraordinary and unexpected things, some beautifullydazzling lines” [“O Guisado tem feito ultimamente extraordináriase inesperadas coisas, versos ofuscantemente belos”, wrote Fernando Pessoa in a letter to Côrtes-Rodrigues in March 1915.However, Guisado always kept a strong link to rural Galicia, wherehe used to spend his summer holidays, and when he decides tobecome a poet of Galician language (Xente d’aldea, Lisbon, 1921),his lines will be completely different from those he used to writein his native city. The dreamer from the banks of the river Tagus willchange his character when crossing the river Miño and becominga popular poet, who sings the daily routine of the people of theGalician town (the hearth, the rural tasks, the funeral, the procession).The aesthetic register of the lines in Lisbon is substituted by thecolloquial tone characteristic of the poetry of the GalicianRexurdimento; the haughty scorn of the orphic poet will lead to hispolitical compromise with the Galician cause, announcing theupcoming of the intellectual person and journalist who would makehistory in the opposition to the Salazar regime.

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