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Esteban T. Montoro del Arco
Universidad de Granada
Vol 51 (2024), Articles, pages 1-29
Submitted: 13-06-2022 Accepted: 01-09-2022 Published: 23-04-2024
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This paper analyzes the signs of the ideological conflict between two kinds of grammarians at the end of the 19th Century and the beginning of the 20th Century. On the one hand, there was a group of power, formed by authors who enjoyed social influence and recognition, considered to be authorities in grammatical matters, which includes both the grammarians of the Royal Spanish Academy and the grammarians-pedagogues of the neo-Catholic line close to the Escuela Normal Central of Madrid and to the circles of political power, such as Rufino J. Blanco or Ezequiel Solana. On the other hand, there was a less influential, more locally based school grammarians group, that had to learn and apply the technique of logical and grammatical analysis from the manuals of the former. In order to analyze this conflict, the marks of ideology present in the series of grammatical texts published by the Valencian teacher José Ramón Palmí Pérez (1872-1950), member of the second group, are extracted and analyzed. His texts show the difficulties encountered by teachers and opponents in applying the theories and analytical methods of their direct sources. The severity with which he treats the grammarians of the canon demonstrates the enormous division between the two groups. At the same time, the conservative ideology of that time, in terms of social and family relationships, emerges from the strategies used in making abstract syntactic concepts, such as régimen or subordination, accessible to the reader.