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Laura Kornfeld
Romina Trebisacce
Eugenia Sciutto
Vol 50 (2023), Articles
Submitted: 27-07-2021 Accepted: 03-02-2022 Published: 09-08-2023
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In this paper we analyze the grammatical properties of terminar + gerundio (‘to end up + -ing’), a Spanish periphrasis that has not been studied in depth in the literature. Following part of Olbertz's (1998 and 2007) proposal, we show that this construction has a conclusive aspectual meaning, linked to the notion of outer aspect, which establishes that the denoted event is the last one of a series of previous explicit or implicit events. However, we reject the author’s hypothesis that this periphrasis has a mirative value of counterexpectation. In this respect, we argue that this value, although it may appear in certain contexts, it is not part of its basic meaning. After examining the grammatical properties that show the aspectual nature of terminar+ gerundio, we develop our syntactic and semantic analysis. Regarding the syntax, we propose that this periphrasis is located in a high aspectual projection, for instance, Delayed Aspect Phrase (A2), according to the proposal of Cinque (2006), in the framework of the cartographic approach. As for the semantic analysis, we argue that the auxiliary terminar, when placed in the Delayed Aspect projection, functions as an operator that orders sets of times and events, thus establishing that the event denoted by the gerund is the last of a durative temporal structure and that this, in turn, must be distinct from previous events, if any.

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