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Bárbara Marqueta Gracia
Universidad de Zaragoza
Vol 49 (2022), Articles, pages 1-27
Submitted: 31-05-2020 Accepted: 29-09-2020 Published: 27-04-2022
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The aim of this paper is to provide an alternative approach to the topic of grammatical relations in Spanish compounds from a syntactic point of view. I will distinguish between compounds according to whether the non-heads act as predicates (child in child prodigy), adjunct Noun Phrases (aroma in aromatherapy), arguments (hand in to hand-tie) or non-nominal modifiers (bad in bad-tempered). I account for these distinctions with three criteria: the non-head merge position, its grammatical category, and whether the relations are established between compound members or between a compound member and a phrase located outside the compound. The starting point will be those proposals which differentiate between subordinate, attributive and coordinate compounds. I will try to demonstrate that these concepts are not precise enough to allow an exhaustive account of compound structures.

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