En términos generales: frame and enunciation
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This paper aims at identifying and describing the operator en términos generales. In order to do so this structure has been analysed from the perspective of linguistic pragmatics, taking a macrosyntactic approach. Consequently, we distinguish its function as a circumstantial adjunct, dependent on the main verb of the clause, from other cases in which it is located at the periphery of the clause, separated by pauses, either still dependent on a verb of saying or thinking present in the clause (frame adjunct), or as a discourse operator. In the latter stage en términos generales is a phraseological unit with a procedural meaning: the speaker indicates that he/she transmits his/her message in a way that is neither detailed nor faithful to reality. He/she warns the interlocutor that the maxims of quantity and quality are not being complied with, in order to avoid possible objections. In this way, this construction joins the same paradigm as other elements that share its lexical base and its declarative function: en general, por lo general, or generalmente. In addition, we observe the profitability of the adjective general in the development of discourse operators.
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