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Víctor Lara Bermejo
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Vol 46 (2019), Articles, pages 313-338
Submitted: 08-04-2018 Accepted: 12-07-2018 Published: 09-09-2019
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There are many studies dedicated to the past subjunctive in Spanish due to the insertion of the indicative –ra form into the subjunctive, as a synonym of the –se form. Most of these studies focus on its diachrony, mainly in language stages prior to the 19th century. In this paper, I will discuss the dialect variation of the past subjunctive in the middle 20th century from an Ibero-Romance perspective. The analysis of the data from the Atlas lingüístico de la Península Ibérica as well as its comparison to later atlases and corpora will shed more light on this reality 100 years ago, since it is still possible to observe a considerably higher frequency of –se in the east of the Iberian Peninsula, a systematic use of –ra in western Peninsular Spanish, and the emergence of –ra instead of –se in languages where this evolution had not been yet attested.

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