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Antonio Hidalgo Navarro
Universidad de Valencia (Grupo Val.Es.Co.)
Vol 38 (2011), Articles
Submitted: 02-05-2012 Accepted: 02-05-2012 Published: 02-05-2012
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The present work intends the presentation of some acoustic phenomena of suprasegmentalnature that favor the generation of humoristic effects in the colloquial conversation: certain extensionsof the vowels that guide the interactive complicity of the interlocutor, determined intonation curves that intensify the interpretation in key of humor of the saying, and the strategic use of amplitude reduced(“whispering” voice). Such resources demonstrate, empirically, the existence of prosodic abilities todisposition of those who talk, that is to say, useful instruments to narrow the bows of complicity throughhumor, aspect on that some of the most recent works have affected the subject.In our work we will fix in first place the theoretical frame: the consideration of the Prosody like principleof structure and interpretation of the conversation; in second place we will try to make specific what weunderstand by “humor” in the pragmatic sense of the term, as associated communicative manifestationto the degree of high “unformality” in the style of speech. Next we will analyze diverse manifestations ofhumor through the Prosody in corpus of colloquial conversations, organizing the commented examplesin agreement with the nature of the prosodic principle activator of the humoristic effect.

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