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M.ª Victoria Pavón Lucero
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Vol 40 (2013), Articles, pages 7-40
Submitted: 03-05-2013 Accepted: 03-05-2013
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In this paper, I examine some properties of a list of Spanish non-aspectual pseudo-copulative verbs which can combine with a dative: parecer, antojarse, presentarse, mostrarse and resultar. I revise the main features of the verbal class they belong to, their semantic characteristics, related to evidentiality, some constraints on the grammatical person of their subject, and some alternations between the dative and a prepositional complement. Afterwards, I show the difference between parecer and the remaining verbs of the group. Regarding the first verb, the presence or absence of the dative seems to be related to the existence of two different verbs parecer. I will see the inadequacy of a similar hypothesis to explain the behaviour of the other verbs of the group. In consequence, I propose that, in the case of these verbs, the dative is an argumental element which can be explicit or implicit

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