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Victor M. Longa
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
J.J. López Rivera
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Vol 17 (2011), Notes
Submitted: 08-05-2012 Accepted: 08-05-2012 Published: 08-05-2012
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Over the last decades the interest in the study of metaphor has experienced a quanti-tative and qualitative impulse. At present we do not have only studies on the metaphor of rheto-ric or philosophical nature, but there also exist research from psychology, anthropology, medi-cine, cognitive science, economics, biology, and such. Moreover, the proliferation of linguistic analysis carried out from different angles, currents or disciplines has also increased; although, in this sense, cognitive linguistics deserves to be mentioned in its own right. In this bibliogra-phy 125 references that reflect the dynamism and breadth of vision of the recent study of meta-phor are selected and discussed
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