• AGID. Revista de asistencia, gestión, investigación y docencia en Enfermería

    AGID. Revista de asistencia, gestión, investigación y docencia en Enfermería, created by initiative of the Faculty of Nursing, is a publication in free open access whose main objective is the dissemination of scientific production in nursing in the four competences referred to in its title. AGID accepts manuscripts in Spanish and English and has a stable peer review system.

    In addition, to encourage, motivate and support newly graduated staff, AGID also hosts research projects and research conducted in different scenarios of official undergraduate and postgraduate training, in order to facilitate its dissemination and increase the projection of researchers and professionals of nursing science.

    Although mainly aimed at nursing professionals, the proposal of manuscripts to AGID is not limited to this group, as it is also open to any health science professional who can provide valuable information related to healthcare, management, research and teaching susceptible to mark the biological and clinical bases of the disease as well as its etiology, prevention and treatment among others.

    AGID is a journal for students and professionals in the health field for continuous improvement in training and quality of care.

  • Agora. Papeles de Filosofía

    AGORA. Papeles de Filosofía is a half-yearly published journal founded in 1980. It is promoted by the Faculty of Philosophy of USC. It publishes original works in all subfields of philosophy. Ágora has the quality imprint of the FECYT and is indexed in SCOPUS, Philosopher’s Index, ESCI, ANVUR, ERIH PLUS, PIO, ISOC, Fuente Académica Premier, TOC Premier, DIALNET, SUMARIS CBUC, REDIB.
    The digital portal of AGORA is published in Galician, Spanish and English; the languages of publication are the Galician, Spanish, English, Portuguese, French, Italian and German.

  • Boletín Galego de Literatura

    The Boletín Galego de Literatura (BGL) is an open access annual scientific publication, edited by the University of Santiago de Compostela and written entirely in Galician. He hosts articles of criticism and historiography about any literature in the world and also research work in Literary Theory, Literary Critics, Poetics, Rhetoric, Hermeneutics, Semiotics, etc., that is to say, the broad field of knowledge of such a long tradition as the Developed around the literary event in a broad sense.
    Works drafted in Galician, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, English and German are accepted, although all of them, except those in Portuguese and those destined to the section ‘Documents’, will be published in Galician with the permission of the author/s.
    The digital gateway of the Boletín Galego de Literatura can be consulted in Galician, Spanish and English; the languages of publication are Galician, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, English or German, although all texts, except Portuguese or those that have the destination "Documents" section, will appear in Galician.

  • Dereito: revista xurídica da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

    Dereito: revista xurídica da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela is a half-yearly published journal founded in 1992. It is addressed to lecturers and researchers as well as professionals from the public and private sectors carrying out their activities in the field of juridical sciences.
    is indexed in International Political Science Abstracts, Political Science Complete, ERIH+, Sociological Abstracts (Select.), Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, SocINDEX, Scopus (descontinua), Fuente Académica Premier, Academic Search Complete, Current Abstracts, TOC Premier, ISOC, ULRICH, DIALNET, and it is present at 38.09% of the Spanish universities in which the corresponding studies are offered (24/63).
    In the RESH index, Dereito occupies, in the 2005-2009 period, position 12 of 71 among the Spanish journals in juridical sciences with most impact. The index that measures the impact is the citation index and, to calculate it, the citations in the main Spanish scientific journals and the citations received at the Web of Science have been taken into account.
    The digital portal of Dereito is published in Galician and Spanish; the languages of publication are the Galician, Portuguese, Spanish, French, English and Italian.

  • Elos: Revista de Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil

    Elos. Revista de Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil is a scientific publication published annually, but continuous flow, edited by the LITER21 Research Group (GI-1839-Galician Literature. Children’s and Young Adult Literature.  Literary, artistic, intercultural and educational research) at the Institut of Education Sciences-University of Santiago de Compostela.
    It is sponsored by: the University of Santiago de Compostela; the Thematic Research Network ‘Las Literaturas Infantiles y Juveniles del Marco Ibérico e Iberoamericano (Iberian and Latin American Children’s and Young Adult Literature)’ – LIJMI; the project ‘Investigación en Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil (Children’s and Young Adult Literature Research)’, which takes place at the Centro Ramón Piñeiro para la Investigación en Humanidades, under the dependency of the Language Policy Secretariat at the Xunta de Galicia; and ELOS-Galicia. Asociación de investigación en Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil (Children’s and Young Adult Literature Research Association).
    Established in order to foster the discussion and reflection of Children’s and Young Adult Literature, a forum for critical analysis, the diffusion of research, and the visibility of this literary system.
    To achieve these objectives, this Journal presents four sections: Miscellaneous, original research papers relating to Children’s and Young Adult Literature, which focus on historiography, literary theory, the analysis of literary works, translation, literary education and anything linked to this; Monographic Section, whose papers follow the same structure and formal aspects that apply to the articles in the Miscellaneous section, but which respond to a specific topic that will be announced together with the corresponding call for papers; Reviews, critique relating to monographs, studies, journals, and any other material of a scientific nature, published in the last two years relating to the Journal’s thematic; and To Find out More, a repository of critical papers or monographs of individual or collective authorship, considered relevant to the study and knowledge of Children’s and Young Adult Literature, such as profiled bibliographies that provide direction for further research in this field, and contribute to its development.
    Elos. Revista de Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil is indexed in ERIH+, ESCI, REDIB and MIAR and is published in Galician, Spanish, English and Portuguese.  The Web page can also be viewed in Galician, Spanish and English.

  • Estudios Penales y Criminológicos

    Estudios Penales y Criminológicos is an annually published journal founded in 1977. It publishes original works in any of the disciplines of criminology and related disciplines (penal law, legal medicine, administrative law penalties, criminal psychology, criminal psychiatry, victimology, criminal sociology, criminal politics, and so on). There are papers dedicated to a monographic topic —determined for each issue by the journal’s Editorial Board—, and papers with a free topic, and it is possible for an issue to combine both options.
    Estudios Penales y Criminológicos is indexed in Westlaw, Criminal Justice Abstracts, Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text, CARHUS Plus+ 2018, ERIH PLUS, TOC Premier, ISOC, ULRICH, DIALNET, SUMARIS CBUC, LATINDEX, IBZ Online, Aranzadi Instituciones.
    The digital portal of Estudios Penales y Criminológicos is published in Spanish and English. The official languages of the journal are Spanish and English; exceptionally, the Editorial Board may consider the publication of papers in other languages (galicish, portuguese, german, Italian).

  • Estudos de Lingüística Galega

    Estudos de Lingüística Galega is a yearly journal established in 2009 with the objective of creating a forum for critical analysis and linguistic research and a place for discussion of the Galician language.

    Given these aims, Estudos de Lingüística Galega contains two sections, Pescuda and Anada. In the Pescuda section the journal publishes original research articles on different branches of linguistics and philology. A special place is given to studies of Galician or of interest for Galician (including work on Romance linguistics, general linguistics, or with a theoretical or methodological focus), as well as studies of varieties of Portuguese. In the Anada section, the journal publishes an index of scientific writing in the year preceding each issue that is directly or indirectly related to Galician and original critical reviews of linguistic publications about Galician.

    Estudos de Lingüística Galega has the quality imprint of the FECYT and is indexed in Scopus, ERIH PLUS, ESCI, CSA Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts, Linguistic Bibliography, MLA (Modern Language Association), REDALYC, DOAJ, Open Access Digital Library, ISOC, ULRICH, DIALNET, CiteFactor, Cabell's Directory, REDIB. ANEP (the Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva), CARHUS+ 2018 and CIRC (Clasificación integrada de revistas científicas) classify it as an A-type journal, the Integrated System Capes (Qualis Periodicos) as A2 and the ICDS in MIAR is 9,65.

    The digital portal of Estudos de Lingüística Galega is in Galician and English; its languages of publication are Galician, Portuguese, Catalan, Spanish, French, English and Italian.

    The preparation of the volumes of Estudos de Lingüística Galega is partially funded through the support for the Consolidación e estruturación de unidades de investigación competitivas from the Consellería de Educación, Ciencia, Universidades e Formación Profesional to the Filoloxía e Lingüística Galega Research Group of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.

    ISSN 1889-2566
    ISSN-e 1989-578X

  • Gallaecia: revista de arqueoloxía e antigüidade

    Gallaecia is an academic electronic journal, included within the platform rev{USC} and dedicated to the publication of academic and scientific works, with special reference to Galicia and the NW of the Iberian Peninsula. It is published once every year and is organized into three sections (“Articles”, “Archaeological news from Galicia and the NW Iberian Peninsula”, “Book Reviews”) on the fields of Prehistory, Archaeology, Epigraphy and Numismatics, Ancient History and Ethnography.
    The journal is currently indexed in the following databases: APH, CIRBIC, DIALNET, LATINDEX, ISOC, REGESTA IMPERII, ERIH PLUS,  ULRICH’S DIRECTORY, MIAR.
    In the RESH index, Gallaecia occupies, in the period 2005-2009, position 13 of 89 among the Spanish journals in Archaeology and Prehistory with the highest impact. This index is provided by the citation index which is calculated on the basis of all the citations in the main Spanish scientific journals and the citations received at the Web of Science.
    The digital portal of Gallaecia is published in Galician, Spanish and English. The languages of publication are the Galician, Portuguese, Spanish, French, English, German and Italian.

  • Gladius et Scientia. Revista de Estudios de Seguridad del CESEG

    The annual CESEG Security Studies Journal, entitled Gladius et Scientia, presents a multidisciplinary character that tries to embrace the multifaceted meaning of current security. With it we want to advance in the objectives declared by the CESEG, which are translated in the improvement of our democratic quality and the life in society from the scientific study and analysis. We intend to include in this magazine first-rate authors who offer their reflections on current issues, in order to contribute solutions and advance knowledge.

  • Innovación educativa

    Innovación Educativa is an annually published journal founded in 1991. Its basic aim is to promote the debate and to stimulate the reflection about innovative initiatives from any area of education (pedagogy, didactics, school organisation, and so on), as well as to favour the performance and spreading of those initiatives among the professionals of teaching, the researchers and students and those who, in a general way, are concerned with questions of a pedagogic and didactic nature. Innovación Educativa is indexed in ERIH PLUS, IRESIE, ESCI, Fuente Académica Premier, TOC Premier, ISOC, ULRICH, DIALNET, REDIB and is present at 45.28% of the Spanish universities offering the corresponding studies (24/53).
    In the RESH index, Innovación Educativa occupies, in the period 2005-2009, position 50 of 202 among Spanish journals in education with most impact. The index that measures the impact is the citation index and, to calculate it, the citations in the main Spanish scientific journals and the citations received at the Web of Science have been taken into account. It is included in 2023 in the Latindex Catalog 2.0 (fulfilling 38 of the 38 possible characteristics).
    Innovación Educativa is published in Galician, Spanish, Portuguese and English.

  • Labor

    The journal Labor publishes biannual issues dedicated to Labor and Social Security Law. It was founded in 2023 under a collaboration agreement between the University of Santiago de Compostela and the International Society for Labour and Social Security Law (ISLSSL), of which it is the official publication. It accepts papers in English, French and Spanish, the official languages of the ISLSSL. Labor's digital portal is published in the same three languages and in Galician, own language of the USC.

  • MARCO (Márketing y Comunicación Política)

    MARCO is an international journal, which is edited jointly by the University of Santiago de Compostela and the Latin American Association of Researchers in Election Campaigns (ALICE).
    MARCO is aimed at the dissemination of research on Political Communication and Political Marketing, and pays special attention to the research on political campaigns in Latin America.
    ALICE is an organization founded in 2012, and which focuses its activity on the study of the new challenges facing the Political Communication and the Political Marketing.
    ALICE now has over 600 members, from countries such as Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, United States, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela.
    The journal MARCO accepts articles and publishes them in Spanish, Portuguese and English. The digital portal is published in Galician, Spanish and English.

  • Moenia

    The journal publishes a volume each year as it alternates between those dedicated to Linguistics (odd numbers) and those dedicated to Literature (even numbers.) In the volumes oriented towards Linguistics the preferential areas are: the Spanish language, General Linguistics and Classical Philology, and only exceptionally is work related to other areas published. In the volumes oriented towards Literature, the preferential areas are: Spanish Literature, Galician Philology and Literary Theory, although other work on literature in all languages is also commonly accepted.
    The common structure for the volumes of this journal includes articles and reviews. Quite frequently, above all in the volumes dedicated to Literature, there exists a monographic section which makes up the first block of articles. In those dedicated to Linguistics, the articles themselves are kept separate from the “notes”, or papers conceived as being shorter in format or about a very specific area of research.
    Moenia is indexed in ERIH PLUS, LLBA, MLA, LINGUISTIC BIBLIOGRAPHY, ESCI, REGESTA IMPERII, REDIB, Fuente Academica Premier, TOC Premier, ISOC, ULRICH, DIALNET, SUMARIS CBUC. Has been accepted in SCOPUS as of June 4, 2019.
    The digital portal of Moenia is published in Galician, Spanish and English; the languages of publication are the Galician, Portuguese, Catalan, Spanish, French, English and Italian.

  • Nova Acta Científica Compostelana

    Nova Acta Científica Compostelana (Bioloxía) is an annually published journal which publishes original and unpublished research works, in the form of articles and notes, in animal and vegetal biodiversity and ecology.
    Furthermore, the journal publishes, in the corresponding sections, popularisation works, book recensions and all the scientific news which the Editorial Committee thinks of interest. The popularisation works do not necessarily have to stick to the aforementioned scientific fields; they can also fall under other scientific specialties, preferably related to the scope of biology.
    The journal, of annual periodicity, is indexed in Agris, Biosis Preview, Zoological Records, ESCI, Algology Mycology and Protozoology Abstracts (Microbiology C) (Selectivo), Biological Sciences (Selectivo), Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management (Selectivo), Water Resources Abstracts (Online) (Selectivo), Inter. Inform. System for the Agricult. Sciences and Techonology (Italia), Fuente Academica Premier, TOC Premier, ICYT, DIALNET, COMPLUDOC, REDIB.

  • Ohm : Obradoiro de Historia Moderna

    OHM: Obradoiro de Historia Moderna is an annually published journal founded in 1992. It aims to expand and spread the scientific knowledge in the field of modern history, with a special attention to the context of Galicia.
    Obradoiro de Historia Moderna has the quality imprint of the FECYT and is indexed in Scopus, ESCI, Historical Abstracts, Historical Abstracts with Full Text, Fuente Académica Premier, Current Abstracts, TOC Premier, ISOC, ULRICH, DIALNET, SUMARIS CBUC, and is present at ERIH PLUS. The category ANEP is A.
    Obradoiro de Historia Moderna is published in Galician, Spanish, French and English.

  • Quintana: revista do Departamento de Historia da Arte

    Quintana: revista do Departamento de Historia da Arte is an annually published journal founded in 2002. It publishes original research works in any of the subfields belonging to the field of arts, without excluding the interdisciplinary approaches that enrich this kind of study. The journal is open to national and international contributions, both in the section Tema ‘Topic’, with invited authors for each monographic topic, and in the section Colaboracións ‘Contributions’, which receives articles with a free topic.
    Quintana is indexed in SCOPUS, ESCI, ERIH PLUS, REDALYC, IBA, BHA, AATA, REGESTA IMPERII, Fuente Académica Premier, TOC Premier, ISOC, ULRICH, DIALNET, REDIB. The category ANEP is A.
    In the RESH index, Quintana occupies, in the period 2004-2008, position 22 of 40, and in the IN-RECH index, position 20 of 46, among Spanish journals in Art History with most impact. The index that measures the impact is the citation index and, to calculate it, the citations in the main Spanish scientific journals and the citations received at the Web of Science have been taken into account.
    The digital portal of Quintana is published in Galician, Spanish and English; the languages of publication are the Galician, Portuguese, Catalan, Spanish, French, English, Deutsch and Italian.

  • Recursos Rurais

    Recursos Rurais Revista do IBADER (Instituto de Biodiversidade e Desenvolvemento Agrario) is an international, annually published, journal founded in 2005, that receives articles, reviews and original notes connected to the research and technological development in the field of conservation and management of biodiversity and the environment, systems of agricultural production, grazing and forest, and territory planning, tending to favour the sustainable development of the natural resources of the rural space.

    Recursos Rurais is indexed in DOAJ, Latindex Catalogue 2.0 , Fuente Académica Premier, Biological Abstracts (BA), BIOSIS Previews, Zoological Record, URBADOC, AGRIS, ISOC, ICYT, DIALNET, Cirbic, Rebiun, Internet Archive.

    The digital portal of Recursos Rurais appears in Galician, Spanish and English; the languages of publication are the Galician, Portuguese, Spanish, French and English.

  • RELAdEI. Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Infantil

    Desde 2022, la RELAdEI es editada por la APEI (Associação de Profissionais de Educação de Infância). Web de la revista.

    RELAdEI, Revista Latinoamericana de Educación infantil, es una publicación científica que se dirige a un público amplio y con intereses comunes en relación a la infancia: políticos, educadores, investigadores, familias, gestores de servicios públicos o privados dirigidos a los niños pequeños y sus familias. Nuestro deseo es promover el intercambio de ideas y experiencias entre quienes trabajan e investigan en el ámbito de la educación infantil contribuyendo así a crear nuevas sinergias y redes de colaboración científica y profesional en el contexto latinoamericano.

  • Revista Galega de Economía

    The Revista Galega de Economía/Galician Journal of Economics (RGE/GJE) is published twice a year. It was founded in 1992 and it is promoted by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Santiago de Compostela. Its aim is to promote academic research by publishing original articles that meet the highest analytical standards and provide new ideas that contribute to and disseminate economic and business knowledge.  The RGE/GJE is an international peer-reviewed open access journal.  The articles published are related to specialities in the fields of economics and business (marketing and market research, applied economics, financial economics and accounting, economics, sociology and agricultural policy, fundamentals of economic analysis, economic history and institutions, business organization and quantitative economics); it is also open to other fields as long as it contributes significantly to addressing problems of economics and business management. The target audience is made up of academics, researchers, professionals, business executives and public decision-makers.

    The RGE/GJE has the quality imprint of the FECYT and is indexed in SCOPUS, ESCI, Dialnet, InDICEs-CSIC, IDEAS-RePEc, REDALYC, REDIB, DOAJ, and ERIH PLUS, among others. It is also included in different tools for the analysis of scientific journals such as MIAR, Latindex or CIRC. 

    The articles are published in Galician, Portuguese, Spanish, and English. 

  • Revista Internacional de Comunicación y Desarrollo (RICD)

    The International Journal of Communication and Development (RICD) is a scientific publication rooted in Europe and Latin America Network of Communication and Development (REAL_CODE) . REAL_CODE was promoted by Galician universities and led by research Gi-1927 "Communication and Citizenship” (CIDACOM) from Santiago de Compostela University.
    RICD assumes Compostela’s Manifesto, signed in 2011 by REAL_CODE founding groups. The Manifesto  encourages to set up a new insight of the relation between Communication and Development, as diverse and transversal processes which shape social changes. The editorial policy intends to give priority to field researches made altogether with civic organisations and entities.
    RICD is indexed in ESCI, ERIH PLUS, Dialnet, Latindex y MIAR.

  • RIPS: Revista de Investigaciones Políticas y Sociológicas

    Revista de Investigaciones Políticas y Sociológicas (RIPS) is an international half-yearly published journal founded in 1999. It publishes research articles, book reviews and research notes in the disciplines of political science and sociology, as well as in other social sciences. RIPS publishes unpublished works in Galician, Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, and Italian, after acceptance by the editorial advisory board.
    RIPS meets all the Latindex quality criteria and is indexed in REDALYC, REDIB, Dialnet, ESCI (Emerging Sources  Citation Index), ERIH PLUS, DOAJ and ISOC.
    The monthly mean of downloaded articles in the period 2007-2011 is 2.716 (REDALYC).
    The digital portal of RIPS is published in Galician, Spanish and English; the languages of publication are the Galician, Portuguese, Spanish, French, English and Italian.

  • Sémata: Ciencias Sociais e Humanidades

    Sémata is an interdisciplinary journal edited by the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Santiago de Compostela since 1998. Annually publishes original research papers on any of the specialties related to the Humanities and Social Sciences.
    The journal is indexed in ERIH PLUS, PASCAL, Fuente Académica Plus, CIRBIC, DIALNET, DICE, LATINDEX, ISOC, Modernitas Citas, REBIUN, RESH, Ulrich’s Directory, MIAR and REDIB
    The digital portal of Sémata appears in Galician, Spanish and English.  The languages of publication are the Galician, Portuguese and Spanish.

  • Télos

    Télos, Revista Iberoamericana de Estudos Utilitaristas is a biannual journal founded in 1992. It is published jointly by the Sociedad Iberoamericana de Estudios Utilitaristas ‘Iberoamerican Society for Utilitarian Studies’ (SIEU) and the USC. Télos meets 32 of the 33 Latindex quality criteria and it is indexed in ERIH, RESH, MIAR (ICDS: 6.5/11=Q2), Philosopher’s Index, Repertoire de Louvain, Humanities International Complete, Humanities International Index, RBPH, Ulrich’s International, EBSCO Fuente Academica Premier, DICE, ISOC, DIALNET and REDIB. The digital portal of Télos is published in Galician, Spanish and English;  the languages of publication are the Spanish, Portuguese and English, as well as the distinct official languages of the Latin American community.

  • Verba: Anuario Galego de Filoloxía

    The journal Verba. Anuario Galego de Filoloxía publishes linguistic and philological studies annually. Verba was published for the first time in 1974 with the intention of disseminating philological studies conducted in Galicia and with the aim of devoting particular attention to the Galician language. Nowadays its focus is on Romance languages, with the emphasis on Spanish, Galician and Portuguese. The journal covers a variety of subjects from different fields, such as grammar, phonology, lexicon, critical text edition, linguistic theory and pragmatics. Each volume of Verba contains, in addition to original research papers, shorter notes about relevant issues and book reviews. The journal accepts work written in Galician, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian and English.

    In addition to its annual publication, the journal also publishes a collection of monographs as supplements. Until 2010 Verba appeared in print (ISSN 0210-377X). From 2011 onward it has been published online only (ISSN 2174-4017).

    The digital portal of Verba is published in Galician, Spanish and English.

    Verba has held the quality imprint of the FECYT from 2014 onward, is included in both SCOPUS, ESCI and ERIH PLUS, Latindex. The list of entities where Verba is indexed is offered in MIAR.