The Revista Galega de Economía/Galician Journal of Economics (RGE/GJE) is published twice a year. It was founded in 1992 and it is promoted by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Santiago de Compostela. Its aim is to promote academic research by publishing original articles that meet the highest analytical standards and provide new ideas that contribute to and disseminate economic and business knowledge.  The RGE/GJE is an international peer-reviewed open access journal.  The articles published are related to specialities in the fields of economics and business (marketing and market research, applied economics, financial economics and accounting, economics, sociology and agricultural policy, fundamentals of economic analysis, economic history and institutions, business organization and quantitative economics); it is also open to other fields as long as it contributes significantly to addressing problems of economics and business management. The target audience is made up of academics, researchers, professionals, business executives and public decision-makers.

The RGE/GJE has the quality imprint of the FECYT and is indexed in SCOPUS, ESCI, Dialnet, InDICEs-CSIC, IDEAS-RePEc, REDALYC, REDIB, DOAJ, and ERIH PLUS, among others. It is also included in different tools for the analysis of scientific journals such as MIAR, Latindex or CIRC. 

The digital portal of RGE/GJE is published in Galician, Portuguese, Spanish, and English. The articles published are in Galician, Portuguese, Spanish, and English. 


Journal Impact Factor and FECYT Quality Certification


We are pleased to announce that the Revista Galega de Economía/Galician Journal of Economics has, for the first time, received Clarivate's Journal Impact Factor (JIF, 2023 edition) in the "Economics" category. Additionally, we have renewed the FECYT Editorial Quality Certification due to the journal´s good performance in publication quality. This recognition enhances the impact and visibility of the articles published in our journal, benefiting our authors.

This achievement would not have been possible without the contributions of our authors, reviewers, and editors. We extend our sincere thanks for helping us reach this milestone.

Call for papers. Advancing Pro-Environmental Behavior: From the Workplace to Consumer Actions


Dear colleagues,

Nowadays, achieving environmental sustainability is one of the most relevant challenges for society. Companies and consumers’ behaviours can play a key role to improve global environmental sustainability. For instance, companies can design and implement environmental practices aimed at reducing energy and resource consumption or encourage employees to perform a behaviour that contributes to greening organizations.

Furthermore, it is necessary to learn more about the environmental repercussions of certain goods and services, also understanding consumers’ perceptions of green products and their motivations to perform environmentally friendly behaviours.

We would like to invite contributions to a Special Issue of the Revista Galega de Economía dedicated to an analysis of pro-environmental behaviour at work and consumer pro-environmental behaviour.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Green workplace initiatives and employee engagement.
  • Employees attitudes and behaviours towards pro-environmental behaviours.
  • The role of leadership in fostering pro-environmental behaviours at work.
  • Strategies for reducing raw materials, wastes and improving energy efficiency in the workplace.
  • Promoting green transportation for commuting to work.
  • Green purchase, green packaging and green supply chain management.
  • Green human resource management practices.
  • Consumer perceptions and attitudes towards green products.
  • Green marketing strategies and consumer behaviour.
  • Eco-labeling and consumer behaviour.
  • Factors influencing green purchasing decisions.

Deadline for manuscript submission:

Original research is welcome for publication in this issue. All submissions will undergo double-blind anonymous review to guarantee high scientific quality and relevance to the subject. The Special Issue will be open for submission from 1st June 2024. The deadline is 31st December 2024. Accepted articles will be published on-line approximately one month after acceptance.

Guest Editors:

Dr. Paula Álvarez González (, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain)

Dr. María Jesús López Miguéns (, Universidade de Vigo, Spain)

Dr. Sandra Castro González (, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain)

Dr. Pascal Paillé (, NEOMA Business School, France)

More Announcements...

Dematerialization and the economic crisis – are they parallel paths? Assessments based on the EU-15 case study

  • Pablo Alonso Fernández
  • Rosa María Regueiro Ferreira
  • Xoán Ramón Doldán García
Published 14-03-2024

This paper investigates how the consumption of material resources has evolved over the last 20 years in the member states that make up the European Union-15, with the aim of analyzing whether there is dematerialization in these countries and which sectors are leading the way. The material footprint is used as an indicator of material consumption, since it indicates all the resources required by an economy. Using data from the material footprint and GDP, a model has been proposed to allow dematerialization in the EU-15 to be studied. The main results show that dematerialization has only occurred conjuncturally since the 2008 crisis, with the GDP-material-footprint coupling subsequently being restored.

Challenges and prospects for activating a circular economy in the context of sustainable waste management in Algeria

  • Mahfoudh Hassaine
  • Belaid Abrika
Published 21-11-2023

The article deals with the problem of waste management in Algeria. It aims to analyze the various policies undertaken by the government in order to be able to respond to the principles of sustainable development and the circular economy from the perspective of sustainable and integrated waste management. The analyses carried out show that the first waste management strategies in Algeria are more reactive and constitute a response to the crisis of the proliferation of waste. It is only from the year 2016 that the national integrated waste management strategy constitutes a perspective of registration of this sector in a circular approach of profitability and sustainability.

Plastic Waste Management in Morocco: A Sociological Reflection about the Informal Sector in the Circular Economy

  • Iria Vázquez Silva
  • Javier de Rivera Outomuro
Published 10-11-2023

This article presents a case study on the link between the management of plastic waste in Morocco (mainly in Casablanca and Rabat) and the divergent working conditions of workers (formal and informal) that conforme the sector, in the context of transformation of the sector towards the Circular Economy (CE). To such an end, we take into account the perspective of multiple experts in the field, as well as the public administration in charge of managing the transition process, the private business sector and the informal collectors themselves. This approach allowed us to understand the complexities and nuances of the transition of waste management in Morocco and to identify the main challenges in terms of social justice associated with the change towards a Circular Economy.

Protein for Scraps: A Study of the European Union “Circular” Raw Materials Trade

  • Leandro J. Llorente-González
Published 21-03-2024

The shift from the current extractive linear production and consumption system to a circular economy (CE) has been heralded as a way to reduce the negative environmental and social impacts of human economic activity. The European Union (EU) has committed to leading the way to a worldwide CE, with the development of an international market of recyclable raw materials (RRM) as one of the main pillars of its strategy. However, there is extensive evidence regarding the unequal distribution of the economic benefits and environmental damages related to international trade. Therefore, the objective of a global fair transition to a CE may be undermined if the related markets continue to reproduce the prevailing patterns of ecologically unequal exchange. In order to test whether or not this is the case, this research studies the physical trade balance and the terms of trade on the recent RRM trade flows from, to and between the EU27 member states.

Circular business models for the electrical and electronics equipment and e-waste sector. Measures for their dissemination and implementation in Mexico

  • Sugey de Jesús López Pérez
Published 16-04-2024
This paper highlights the importance of business models with a Circular Economy (CE) approach to change the harmful dynamics underlying the value chain of the Electrical and Electronics sector and to reduce waste. The objective is to identify measures, particularly financial and fiscal ones, which are suitable to design and disseminate Circular Business Models (CBMs) in Mexico. The policy package methodology has been used, whose procedure includes a literature review and a sectoral and environmental regulation diagnosis, as well as a plan of measures along with comparisons in order for there to be a comprehensive package. A conclusion drawn is that the systemic alignment of CE in Mexican environmental regulation is a necessary step to redirect sustainable production and consumption patterns. It is possible to implement CBMs with an adequate interface and synergies between government and business sector strategies at the different stages of the Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) value chain. In particular, tax and financial measures influence agents' investment and savings behavior and their cost and expenditure provisions and can thus guide circularity patterns.

The New Ecodesign Regulations: Towards More Circular Products?

  • Beltrán Puentes Cociña
Published 19-04-2024

The circular economy strategy of the European Union has undertaken one of its objectives, which is the need to reform ecodesign legislation, and has therefore approved several regulations for specific product categories that, for the first time, regulate material efficiency aspects such as product durability and repairability. The Commission's proposal for a new ecodesign framework regulation seeks to extend the scope of the current directive and generalize the use of durability and repairability requirements. This paper explores what role the principles of the circular economy should play for product eco-design and how sufficient the latest regulatory reforms have been in promoting products that are more circular. Important steps have been taken, such as the obligation to provide spare parts for several products, but there are still some weaknesses regarding the scope of application, the lack of legislative development and the role of the industry in the creation of the standards.

The Regional Firm Density and the Growth of Firms in the Portuguese Textile and Clothing Industry

  • Rolando Vaz
Published 16-05-2024

This paper focuses on the relationship between the regional firm density and the growth of firms in the Portuguese textile and clothing industry to investigate how their geographic clustering influences said growth. Despite the concentration of this industry in the Northern region of Portugal in only four poles, our results show that the location of firms in the cluster is not relevant for growth when the whole industry is considered. However, disaggregate analysis shows that the clothing industry does exhibit both location externalities and cross-location effect, while textile manufacture exhibits neither. In addition, our empirical evidence reveals that the growth of firms located in the cluster is positively correlated with external finance. This result suggests that location becomes a solvency signal for firms, and, specifically, this might help to explain why textile manufacturers firms are located in the cluster. These findings are relevant for entrepreneurs and Portuguese policymakers, as it jeopardizes the optimal allocation of scarce resources in the Portuguese textile cluster.

The Determinants of Education-Job Matching for Portuguese Graduates

  • Daniela Olo
  • Leonida Correia
  • Conceição Rego
  • João Rebelo
Published 14-06-2024

This paper deals with the determinants of education-job match for higher-education graduates, using a logistic regression model to identify explanatory variables related to sociodemographic, academic trajectory and institutional characteristics. The empirical analysis is based on an anonymous online questionnaire administered to a sample of graduates, from 2014 to 2019, in Portuguese institutions, of which about five hundred observations were made. Although the boundaries between universities and polytechnics are less obvious today, there are still some differences between the two higher-education subsystems regarding education-job match. The main ones are related to the field of study, gender, and the need to move away from home to study and work. Factors that improve the probability of education-job matching, common to both subsystems, were also found, such as having i) studied ‘social sciences, commerce, and law’ and ‘engineering, manufacturing and construction’, ii) attained good final grades, and iii) participated in extracurricular activities involving complementary training.

Vol 33 No 1 (2024)

Published: 2024-06-01

Table of contents

Time Banking and Social Capital Creation: a Transaction Data Analysis

  • María Ángeles Carnero
  • Blanca Martínez
  • Rocío Sánchez-Mangas
Published: 25-04-2024
Pages 1-20

The Influence of Inclusive Leadership on the Well-Being of Employees

  • Ramón Rueda-López
  • Jaime Aja-Valle
  • Lucía García-García
  • María J. Vázquez-García
Published: 21-03-2024
Pages 1-25

Intangible assets and their effects on business performance: an analysis for Colombian companies

  • Alberto Méndez-Morales
  • Camilo Anzola-Morales
  • Liliana Elizabeth Ruiz-Acosta
  • David Andrés Camargo-Mayorga
Published: 20-02-2024
Pages 1-28
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