Vocational Education and Training in Galicia vs Smart Specialization Strategies: Analysis of the situation through the study of the places on offer and the role of the CIFPs at the end of the European programming period 2014-2020
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We assess the situation of Vocational Education and Training in Galicia to face the challenge of implementing the Smart Specialisation Strategies launched by the European Commission for the regions and Member States in the 2014-2020 programming period. The implementation of such a strategy is an ex-ante condition imposed by the European Union for the receipt of Structural Funds. Through the systemic analysis proposed, the aim is to identify the current state of Vocational Education and Training, as part of the Galician Innovation System. To this end, we analyze the different areas and spaces in which this innovation strategy influences this educational level (new orientations, capacity building, educational offer of admission, knowledge dissemination, technical tasks, etc.), contrasting the objectives pursued and the results observed. Institutional and organisational aspects that affect the design, implementation and management of the measures and their possible impact on the productive and educational systems are also analysed, for this reason, attention is focused on the reference centres, the Integrated Vocational Training Centres. The conclusions drawn make it possible to formulate recommendations for further implementation of the Smart Specialisation Strategy in Vocational Training in the Autonomous Community for the 2021-2027 programming period.
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