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Carmen Álvarez Álvarez
Universidad de Cantabria
José Manuel Osoro Sierra
Universidad de Cantabria
No 24 (2014): Topics: "School mediation" and "Rural school", Articles
Submitted: 04-11-2013 Accepted: 11-12-2014 Published: 30-12-2014
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The relationships made between the Spanish universities and the schools to promote teacher professional development are uncommon, despite the important that there could be. The University is often skewed towards research and the schools to teaching, in such a way that only occur exchanges among these institutions when one precise the other. In these cases you can talk about instrumental relations University-School. Only when there is an inter-institutional exchange to facilitate the professional development of academic and practical it could speak of true relationships between the University and the School. In this case could speak of relations of collaboration. The bulk of the article outlines how a process of collaboration between our University and a public Centre for pre-school and primary education has been developed to favor the overcoming of some school difficulties. After a process of needs analysis estimated that the most convenient for the Centre was to try to implement some innovative teaching strategies (interactive groups and literary gatherings). Developed innovative process has allowed to initiate, develop and institutionalize the school change, favoring academics and practical professional development and improvement of the University-School relations.

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