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Francisco Javier Tejedor Tejedor
Universidad de Salamanca
No 34 (2024): 50 Aniversario dos Estudos de Pedagoxía en Galicia (1974-2024), Works by invitation
Submitted: 11-09-2024 Accepted: 02-10-2024 Published: 29-11-2024
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In general, the educational community considers the educational research does not provide useful results. We try to reflect on the basis of this opinion, trying to provide proposals in order to reach the objective that we consider prioritative in educational research: provide reasonable explanations of the facts or phenomena studied oriented to produce the necessary information to improve the educational practice. But it is not easy delimit its characteristics. Teachers will use more research “for the classroom” as researchers refine how they present their findings to teachers. It is preferable to tailor research materials to the needs of teachers rather than waiting for teachers to learn to read the research. Or better, to carry out research "in the classroom" by the teachers themselves.