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Lois Xacobe Atanes Barciela
Profesor universitario
Vol 15 No 1 (2023): Estudos de Lingüística Galega, Pescuda
Submitted: 14-06-2023 Accepted: 11-10-2023 Published: 21-12-2023
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In this article, we analyse the use of direct speech in Galician in conversations where Spanish is the main language. The empirical base of our research consists of interviews from the ESLORA corpus. We classify these interviews into three different groups: 1) conversations with direct speech in Spanish; 2) conversations with direct speech in Spanish and Galician; and 3) conversations without any kind of direct speech. Furthermore, we analyse the sociolinguistic function of cases gathered from group number 2. Following Celso Álvarez Cáccamo (1987, 1998, 2000), we utilise code-switching and language alternation as key concepts in our research. Code-switching involves a process of recontextualisation of the communication code, which results in a change to the spoken language, from language A to language B. Language alternation does not involve recontextualisation, which takes place in a bilingual context when a speaker introduces words, expressions, or other features from language A in their speech in language B, without any kind recontextualisation of the communication code. We argue that direct speech in Galician, in conversations where Spanish is the main language, is, in fact, a form of code-switching. By using direct speech in Galician, speakers negotiate and recontextualise the communication code. This process is determined by the social structures of the linguistic context. In the analysis of the corpus, we use a quantitative approach. In the interpretation of the linguistic motivations of the speakers, we use a qualitative approach.

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