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Paulo Osório
"Universidade da Beira Interior"
Ignacio Vázquez Diéguez
"Universidade da Beira Interior"
Vol 10 (2018), Pescuda, pages 87-101
Submitted: 19-03-2018 Accepted: 10-07-2018 Published: 01-08-2018
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The main objective of the present study is to examine the syntactic and semantic functioning of periphrastic present durative tenses the syntax of which contains either a gerund or an infinitive. The coexistence of both with a similar semantic value raises the question why there are two constructions, which this paper attempts to use diachronic data to answer. Given the existence of two periphrases with the same meaning, namely the idea of action in progress, we will ask how this was expressed in Latin using a different periphrastic construction. The paper traces the process of replacement of the Latin construction by those found in Portuguese and Galician, identifying a series of changes which help to explain how the new construction emerged. Given that the constituents of these constructions are auxiliary verb, (link) and main verb, this approach leads to a comparison between the Latin auxiliary verb esse and the Portuguese/Galician auxiliary estar, and also between the forms taken by the main verb, namely the Latin present participle versus the gerund or gerundial infinitive in Portuguese and Galician; hence the need to analyse the Latin forms. Special emphasis will be laid upon the gerund, which has very different functions in Latin from those which it has acquired in modern Romance languages; the latter are reminiscent of the English gerund, with which the Romance gerund will be compared to achieve a better understanding of its earlier functions. The comparison will be broadened to include other Romance languages so as to examine the similarities and differences in the solutions found. Having compiled all the data, an explanation will then be sought for the coexistence of two synonymous constructions which takes into account the chronology of changes on the basis of written records extending from the thirteenth century to the present day, in order to establish which construction is the older of the two and their frequency in European Portuguese (PE), Brazilian Portuguese (PB) and Galician. The theoretical framework of this study draws on principles defended by Mattos and Silva (1989, 2008, vols I and II); existing corpora are used as sources of data.

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