Constructing an inventory of medieval place-names: the Tombo de Toxos Outos
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Historically medieval place-names have been used to support certain etymological proposals, but have rarely been thought of as a tool for improving our overall understanding of internal change and the renovation process within the toponymic system in constant interaction with history and geography. Moreover, little if any attention has been paid to the place-names in indices of document collections, or else have received inadequate treatment. In order to put this right, we have constructed an inventory of all the place-names in the Tombo de Toxos Outos, a set of documents written between the 12th and 14th centuries in the Galician monastery of Santos Xusto e Pastor de Toxos Outos, noting all forms of every toponym, their documentary and chronological contexts within the collection, and the situation of extralinguistic referents within their geographic and administrative settings, whether Galician or otherwise. This article gives an overview of the main phases in the process, as well as discussing some theoretical and practical issues arising in the course of the undertaking, for the purpose of designing a methodology for the treatment of place-names in medieval Galician texts.
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Fontes documentais
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