Articles submitted for publication in Estudos de Lingüística Galega must be original, not previously published in any other form or any other language.
Manuscripts should be proposed through the online application.
Submitting a manuscript
The originals proposed for evaluation must be submitted in electronic version through the journal application. The originals should contain the text, tables, and all figures. If deemed necessary, a PDF version of the document can be added.
Articles (Artigos section) will have a maximum length of 75,000 characters (including spaces, footnotes, titles, abstracts, keywords, bibliographic references, etc.). Reviews will not exceed 19,000 characters.
The content of the articles should preferably be organized according to the following structure:
Methodology/Theoretical Framework
The journal's editorial committee will conduct a first evaluation of each of the articles received to analyze thematic interest and quality. If the work does not meet the minimum quality requirements it will be rejected, which will be communicated to the people who sign the article.
Accepted manuscripts
Manuscripts that are accepted for publication should be uploaded to the journal's application once they conform to the style rules of each section. Where necessary, the originals must be accompanied by the necessary permissions that ensure respect for intellectual property in the reproduction of the materials used in the work, especially if figures taken from works already published or other authors are used. Only those works that fit the magazine's rules will be published.
Preparation of accepted manuscripts
Manuscripts accepted for publication in the journal should be organized as follows:
Title and authorship
The title should be brief (it will not exceed ten words), clear and descriptive of the content of the work; the use of abbreviations and acronyms will be avoided. The words in the title that are meant to be highlighted will go in italics. The name of the authors will be followed, in independent lines, from affiliation, email address and ORCID. This information will be provided for each of the authors. If there are multiple institutions corresponding to the same author, the names should be separated by bar (/), with previous and subsequent space. Do not use abbreviations or acronyms. In multiple authorship works, the responsible author must be identified, who will also be the contact author. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure the recognition of all authors who share responsibility for the work and to ensure that everyone knows and approved the final version of the document.
Authors' names should be listed in alphabetical ordering by first name in case everyone contributed in the same way to the work. If each author's contribution is different, it is recommended to state it in note using the conventionalized terminology CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy).
Abstract and keywords
The abstract will be between 150 and 250 words; it will be clear and accurate and will be presented in a single paragraph. It will be sought to contain information about fundamental objectives, methodology, results and conclusions; it will not provide information that is not covered in the text of the article. The keywords will be separated by point and comma and ordered from the most generic to the most specific; they will be between 3 and 6 and will be used to catalogue the article. As much as possible, and for more generic descriptors, use those listed in UNESCO's Thesaurus (Linguistics) (
The content of the article will be presented in numbered sections; It is recommended not to exceed three levels of organization. Bibliographic references, thanks, and indication of funding do not constitute a numbered section. Appendices and attachments should not take up more than three pages and will be placed as the last section of the article. If they are bulkier, they will be made available to readers in some data repository and the corresponding address will be indicated in the article.
The bibliographic style used for references in the journal is the Unified Style Sheet for Linguistics Journals, identified in several bibliography managers under the name Linguistics. References should be listed in the text, not in the footnotes: (Pinker 2015), (Dubert & Galves 2016: 410), (McMahon, Pierrehumbert & Lidz 2004), (Lewis et al. 2015), (Vikner 1995, chapter 5), (Haspelmath 2017: 88-89), (Akmajian & Jackendoff 1970; Haspelmath 2004) e (Cysouw 2005; Borin & Saxena 2013; Jenset & McGillivray 2017).
The list of references should be sorted alphabetically in the Bibliographic References section, not numbered. Only the references cited in the text should be included, as in these examples:
Fernández Salgado, Benigno. 2001. Os rudimentos da lingüística galega: un estudio de textos lingüísticos galegos de principios do século XX (1913-1936). Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Cidrás Escáneo, Francisco Antonio. 1994. Modelos de lingua e variación sintáctica. Cadernos de lingua 10, 103-118.
Real Academia Galega. 2018. Dicionario da Real Academia Galega. [24/05/2018].
Regueira Fernández, Xosé Luís. 1989. A fala do norte da Terra Cha. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. [Tese de doutoramento inédita].
Varela Barreiro, Francisco Xavier & Ricardo Pichel Gotérrez. 2009. O corpus do galego medieval: o Tesouro Medieval Informatizado da Lingua Galega (TMILG). En Enrique Arias (ed.), Diacronía de las lenguas iberorrománicas: nuevas aportaciones desde la lingüística de corpus. 195-215. Madrid: Iberoamericana / Vervuert.
Graphics, maps, illustrations and tables
The figures (graphics, maps, illustrations, etc.) will be sent as separate files, in tif, jpg, eps or png format, with quality not less than 600 dpi. In addition, both tables and figures embedded in the text should be identified by a matching number in both (Graph 1, Figure 2, Table 3, etc.).
Acknowledgments and funding
The texts in which the funding sources and thanks are indicated will go before the bibliographic references, preceded by a bold title and unnumbered. These articles should be brief and constitute a single paragraph each).
It is recommended that authors use the guide and template sheet that can be downloaded in the following links:
When publishing in Estudos de Lingüística Galega, the author/authors cedes/cede all the exploitation rights of his/her/their article (including distribution, public communication, reproduction and transformation) to the University of Santiago de Compostela, which, under the conditions and within the restrictions stated in the legislation on intellectual property, is the holder of the copyright and, therefore, of all the patrimonial rights expressed, while the author/authors maintain all the moral rights corresponding to them by the law (art. 14 TRLPI).
Not withstanding the above considerations, all contents of this edition, except where otherwise noted, are distributed open access under a Creative Commons BY NC ND 4.0 international license. Any form of reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation of this work not included under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license can only be carried out with the express authorization of the copyright holder, save where otherwise provided by the law. You can access the full text of the license at