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Rocío García-Pedreira
CIEC, Instituto de Educação-Universidade do Minho/Instituto de Ciencias da Educación-Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
No 61 (2023), Notes
Submitted: 15-10-2023 Accepted: 22-10-2023 Published: 20-12-2023
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The card game Alakazum!, by Zombi Paella publishing house, offers a multimodal narrative starring different characters from Andalusian, Catalan, Galician, Valencian and Basque folklore, who must accumulate power to defeat one of the final enemies, from North American culture. In order to study how the proposal is articulated, as well as to check whether the language of certain modern board games can be used in a similar way to other artistic media in the creation of cultural artefacts of an aesthetic nature, this paper carries out a paratextual and discursive analysis of Alakazum!. The results show a great originality in the elaboration of the narrative, whose construction shares certain characteristics of other languages, but treated in a new way, resulting in its own code with semantic and constitutive independence. Moreover, the potential of these proposals for the development of plural reading intertexts is evident, with references coming from systems beyond the literary one, which become essential for the formation of a competent reader of the 21st century.

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