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Miguel Alcalde Silveira
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
No 61 (2023), Notes
Submitted: 07-03-2023 Accepted: 15-10-2023 Published: 20-12-2023
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Antón Lopo’s poetry meant a totally disruptive approach to the 80’s Galician literary scene due to his intentions to subvert the standards stablished by society in the matters of gender, sexuality or identity, as well as what can and cannot be said on poetry itself. The critical reception to his works until now has tried to interpretate his words and explaining his contents, but we can recognise an apparent lack of analysis tools for the comprehension of queer subjects because of the newness that this kind of products signify to their literary field. Thus, we acknowledge it is necessary to open a new path of (re)interpretation possibilities of his poetry. Moreover, we find ecocriticism and the comparison to the trans Canarian writer Roberta Marrero’s poems to be highly useful in this case, since both of this methods can bring light over some of the gender and identity strategies that we will take into account for our paper.

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