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Gisella Costas
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
No 58 (2021): 1º semestre, Notes, pages 5-22
Submitted: 30-11-2020 Accepted: 06-05-2021 Published: 29-06-2021
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Camuflaxe, published and recognized in 2017 with the Spanish Critics Award, is one of the last books of poems written by the Galician Lupe Gómez. In its pages, which deal with such intimate issues as childhood, the family home or mother-child ties, there is an underlying commitment of a literary consciousness that seeks to represent the costs of the loss and destruction of both the land and the ways of life connected to Galician countryside. The author articulates a book of poems in which affects and memory intersect in the space of Galician periphery. Those elements will be analyzed in order to understand the way in which they relate to each other and construct the environment that surrounds the poems. Gómez uses poetics as a place of memory so as to denounce a reality that is marked by social injustice and gives rise to a discourse of resistance.

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