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Martín Veiga
University College Cork
No 45 (2011), Studies
Submitted: 10-05-2012 Accepted: 10-05-2012 Published: 10-05-2012
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Even though the dedication bestowed by Avilés de Taramancos onpoetical translation constitutes a well-known fact, the relationshipestablished between the texts translated by him and his own literaryproduction has not received enough literary criticism. However,books such as Crónica by Saint-John Perse and O cemiterio mariñoby Paul Valéry, both translated by Avilés from French into Galiciandiversely enrich the interpretative range of some of his texts. The sameoccurs with his version of a fragment of the XXI rhapsody of theOdisea, an episode which achieves an important symbolic tenorwithin the whole of the Avilesian production. After having elucidatedthe way in which the production by Avilés is placed before the aforementionedrelationships of an intertextual nature, this paper focuseson the genesis of the poem “Os elementos do desastre ou o cantodo vello capitán Pablo de Rokha morto no exilio”, published in Dornain 1983. It consists in an epic song which acts as a poetical homageto the Chilean writer mentioned in the title and which is characterisedby a singularity: the text is not a completely original writing by Avilésbut the result of a creative derivation of his task of translation.

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