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Montserrat Pena Presas
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
No 45 (2011), Studies. Galician poetry today: lyric subjects, discourses and referents from a comparative perpective
Submitted: 10-05-2012 Accepted: 10-05-2012 Published: 10-05-2012
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After the phenomenon kown as Letras de Cal, of important symbolicafter-effects, there seems to exist a tendency within the Galicianliterary system to make invisible and join together under identicallabels all subsequent poetical groups. However, this apparent homogeneity,which originated as a consequence of the importance whichsome of these groups attained in social and political movements–such as the case of the Redes Escarlata-, only functions on the surfaceof the literary dynamics. On one hand, because the existenceof two kinds of poetical groups can be detected; those who wouldbe known as “formally constituted groups” and those known as“affinity networks amongst creators”. On the other hand, becausewhen the analysis on the incidence on the field of the former group(where the study will focus) is carried out, it will be observed howthrough the oscillation between the margins of the resistanceand those of the innovation each group intends to secure their ownintervention within the system. However, a certain heterogeneity in the structure of the different groups, the different poetical lines oftheir members and their action in the local-regional field seem to bethe shared features of a subfield which, as well as staying on abackground level, is in constant transformation

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