Focus and Scope

The Boletín Galego de Literatura (BGL) is an open access annual scientific publication, edited by the LITER21 Research Group (GI-1839-Galician Literature. Children’s and Young Adults Literature. Literary, Artistic, Intercultural and Educational Research), at the Institut of Education Sciences (ICE)-University of Santiago de Compostela and published by University of Santiago de Compostela Press.

Sponsored by the Xunta de Galicia via Galicia Innovación and the Cultural Area of El Corte Inglés.

Created in 1989 with the aim of providing support and diffusion to research works on literature in general, drafted in Galician and which would have otherwise been left unpublished due to a lack of support.

In order to meet these aims, the Journal comprises six sections: Studies, with research works of a certain length (30 pages), which necessarily include sources and bibliographic reference which the reader may resort to in order to verify any statements made in the text. Notes, works of a minor length (12 pages), which formulate reading proposals or any particular suggestions or annotations and which do not necessarily require bibliographic or documentary evidence. Rendezvous, referred to interviews with relevant figures of culture in general, and of literature in particular. Documents, a section where text originals or audiovisual documents are reproduced verbatim, in a broad sense. Books, which gathers descriptive reviews and/or publication critiques resulting from research or essay processes of certain popularity. Creation, where, following the tradition set in this Journal during its printed phase, major figures in Galician literature are invited to collaborate.

Works drafted in Galician, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, English and German are accepted, although all of them, except those in Portuguese and those destined to the section ‘Documents’, will be published in Galician with the permission of the author/s.

The digital gateway of the Boletín Galego de Literatura can be consulted in Galician, Spanish and English.

Peer Review Process

Works can be submitted to the editorial board during all the year. They will be first reviewed by the board of directors and the secretariat or by the members of the drafting committee, according to any given circumstances or needs. This will determine whether the texts meet the minimum requirements for their publication, fit in the form and content of any of the Journal sections and whether they adjust to the publication guidelines and to the Journal requirements to initiate the procedures for their publication in the Journal. To this respect, everyone interested must fill in a ‘Form for authors’ and, where appropriate, submit copyright. When the work does not meet the minimum requirements, a report will be sent (specifically, within the period of one month) in which the reasons for the rejection are explained in full.

The works which meet the aforementioned minimum requirements will be anonymously referred to a minimum of two people of well-known expertise in the topic who, within the period of one month, must submit a report on the convenience of their publication. The board of directors, secretariat and/or the drafting committee of the Journal will select some external referees who, according to their research track record, will deem pertinent to assess the work. Besides, the names of referees suggested by the person submitting the work may be also considered, as long as they did not participate in the elaboration of the work or maintain any relations whatsoever which may interfere in the result of the evaluation by making it dependent on non-strictly scientific criteria, and, therefore, the name of a maximum of two potential referees may be rejected by any adduced reasons. In either case, the names of the referees will not be made public (‘double-blind’ procedure). In order that the works are published, both reports must be satisfactory. Should just one of the assessments recommend the publication of the work, this will be submitted to a third anonymous referee whose decision will be final.

The works commissioned by the board of directors of the Journal will not be subjected to peer review.

The secretariat will communicate via e-mail the acceptance of the work (final or conditional) or the rejection of the collaborations in an approximate period of three months after the start of the review phase. This communication will be accompanied by the anonymous reports of the assessors. Possibly, and in certain cases, just one report elaborated by the drafting committee may be submitted based on the reports handed in by the assessors.

If the work is provisionally accepted, the drafting committee may include in the report one list with their own recommendations. Amongst these, some indications will be included if need be, relating to the style, wording, grammatical correction and presentation of the information, together with one list including any infringements of the publication guidelines. The new work, with the corrections, must be submitted to the Journal by highlighting the changes carried out via the format ‘enhance’. Whenever any explanation be needed, the author will submit a document in which a link is established between the modifications carried out in the work and the changes requested by the reviewers, and including any allegations s/he may consider relevant. The new version of the work, together with the aforementioned document, will be submitted once again to the reviewers, who, in a period of a fortnight, will issue a report on the convenience or not of its publication.

The drafting committee, in a period of a fortnight starting from the date of receipt of the report of the reviewers, will agree and notify the final acceptance or rejection of the work.

Publication Frequency

The Boletín Galego de Literatura is an annual scientific journal. However, once the final versions of the works are received, they will be added to the table of contents of the ‘in-process’ issue.

Open Access Policy

Boletín Galego de Literatura has open access to its full-text content.

There are no processing charges.



Disclaimer and exclusion of liability

BGL is not responsible for the contents of any article, and the fact of its sponsoring the spreading of an article does not necessarily entail its agreement on the theses exposed in the article.  The editor, in any case, is free of any responsibility resulting from the author’s eventual violation of intellectual property rights.

Review form

Contribution to the development of knowledge*

Quality of the writing*

Publication recommended*

If the answer to question 3 is “Yes, with changes” or “No”, please indicate below your suggestions for improvement or the reasons why you think this should not be published

* Denotes required field

Ethical Guidelines

The publication of scientific articles involves several actors, including the publisher, the editors in chief, the reviewers and the authors. It is expected that each of these agents have an ethical behaviour referred to ethical principles partially inspired in those provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Best Practice Guidelines.


The publisher provides technical assistance and support to the journal editors in the use of the web platform, and maintains the software updated and able to facilitate the submission, evaluation and publication process of scientific works. The publisher also collaborates with the editors in chief indexing the papers, providing information about the databases requirements and, so, contributing to the Journal positioning in the usual rankings. Broadly, the publisher should helps to increase the editorial quality of the Journal, contributing to its visibility, internationalization and impact.

Editors in chief:

Editors in chief ensures that manuscripts submitted are evaluated based exclusively on its intellectual content, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, political affiliation or philosophical trend of the authors. They guarantee the confidentiality of the work, not revealing the identity of the authors to other agents except to those authorized by the publisher, the potential reviewers, the actual reviewers or the editorial board of the journal. Editors can refuse a job if it not satisfy the formal requirements or approach a subject not belonging to the scope of the journal. Editors communicate within the deadlines, once they see the referees and heard the editorial board, the acceptance or rejection of the submitted papers.


Reviewers should refuse to refer a paper if they do not feel qualified in the subject approached or if they can not take the evaluation within the deadline suggested by the Journal. The referee report should be objective and written in a clearly and reasoned style. Reviewers should avoid ad hominem references and offensive or demeaning comments; their suggestions should focus mainly on the improvement work. Reviewers should treat manuscripts as confidential documents, and their contents is not used in their own works. Reviewers should reject referee papers if they show a conflict of interest, for example a past or present relationship with the paper's authors or the institutions they depend.


Authors should submit papers containing original research on a clearly identifiable and not previously published subject. They should not send articles including a substantial part of others papers or books already published. Papers should be written so that they can be understood or replicated by reviewers. If ideas of others are used, they should be clearly referenced; plagiarism is an unacceptable behaviour and its detection involves cancel the submission or remove it from the platform if it was already published. In case of co-authorship, all people that significantly contribute to the paper are considered its author; each author should be able to identify which parts of the work are own and which parts are from others authors, and must maintain confidentiality of the all contents until the article is published. Simultaneous paper sending to other Journals is a sufficient condition for archiving it. If in the process of the paper edition the authors find errors or improprieties, they should communicate to the editors in chief as soon as possible and cooperate in their correction. Authors should communicate the potential conflict of interest between the paper findings and the financial support.

These guidelines are consistent with the ethical code of the University of Santiago de Compostela, institution to which this Journal belongs.

Digital preservation policy

This journal develops various processes in order to preserve permanent access to digital objects hosted on its own servers:

- Backups.
- Monitoring of the technological environment to foresee possible migrations of obsolete formats or software.
- Digital preservation metadata.
- Use of DOI.

The files published on this website are available in easily reproducible formats (PDF)

Anti-plagiarism Policy

This journal is a member of Similarity Check, a multi-publisher initiative started by Crossref to screen published and submitted content for originality.

Through Similarity Check, we use the iThenticate software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted or published manuscripts.

By depositing all of our content in the Similarity Check database we allow other Similarity Check members to screen their submissions against our published articles.

Interoperability protocols

BGL provides an interface OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) that allows other websites and information services to harvest the published content metadata.


OAI-PMH Protocol Version 2.0
Dublin Core Metadata 1.1

URL for harvesters:

Sources of Support

LITER21 Research group (GI-1839-Galician Literature. Children’s and Young Adults Literature. Literary, Artistic, Intercultural and Educational Research), at the Faculty of Philology. Department of Galician Studies-University of Santiago de Compostela.

Xunta de Galicia. Galicia Innovación

Cultural Area of El Corte Inglés

Journal History

The Boletín Galego de Literatura is a biannual scientific publication created in 1989. It comprises essays of criticism and historiography about any given literature in the world as well as research works in Literary Theory, Literary Criticism, Poetics, Rhetoric, Hermeneutics, Semiotics, etc., this is to say, the whole wide field of long tradition knowledge such as that which has developed around the literary fact, in the broad sense. It can be found fully indexed in the following databases: CIRBIC, Dialnet, DICE, ISOC, Latindex, Myriade, e-Revistas, Rebiun, RESH and Ulrich’s Plus.

The Journal has been published, without interruptions, since the year of its launch and until issue 46 (plus three monographs), corresponding to the second semester of 2011. At that moment, the University of Santiago de Compostela promoted a project which led to the suppression of all analogical editions in order to proceed to exclusively publish in digital format those journals dependent on the Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico. This fact caused the Boletín Galego de Literatura to cease to appear during the years 2012 and 2013, due to the complexity of the new technologies and the process of adaptation to the requirements called for by the competent technicians.