Linguist, remember the vocative: Vocatives and their functional projection
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Determining the type of phrase of vocative constructions is an issue that has divided the experts, although not many Spanish researchers have shown interest in this topic so far. The proposals concerning other languages have mainly been articulated around three hypotheses: (1) vocatives are ssnn (Longobardi 1994, Stavrou 2014); (2) vocatives are by default nps and, in certain cases, dps (Hill 2013b); and (3) vocatives are always dps (Moro 2003, D’hulst et al. 2007, Bernstein 2008, Slocum 2016, Espinal 2013). The goal of this article is to answer this question and, at the same time, explore the syntactic nature of vocative structures, not considered until now. I argue that vocatives always project dps regardless of their nature. This statement would require a revision of the hypothesis of Longobardi (1994, 2001) and his followers, since he claims that arguments are dps, but predicates are not.
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