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Félix Martín Gómez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Vol 47 (2020), Articles, pages 27-54
Submitted: 25-09-2018 Accepted: 21-02-2019 Published: 24-12-2020
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The present paper discusses constructions of the type para chulo, yo, a construction type that indicates a referent who, in comparison with another one mentioned previously, is the best representative of a property shared by both. It is shown that this construction is unrelated to constructions that express prototypicality, veracity or imprecision, although they share certain characteristics. The categorial selection of the preposition requires lexical items that function as terms to be vague or to appear in purely metalinguistic contexts. Syntactically, the prepositional phrase with para (PPpara) is placed to the left of a non-verbal construction whose rigid disposition of constituents corresponds to the informative skeleton of topic/focus on the class/label-individual scheme. Regarding its discourse function, it tends to respond as a correction of a sentence which it answers and which located an element in an increasing quantificational environment of a property.

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