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Lovro Sučić
Vol 46 (2019), Articles, pages 279-312
Submitted: 09-03-2018 Accepted: 27-09-2018 Published: 09-09-2019
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With a case study on the Spanish lexeme acaso, contrasted (Aijmer 2013; Kresi? &
Batini? 2014) with the Croatian modal particle (MP) zar, we challenge the inexistence (Tanghe 2016)
of MPs in Spanish by proposing syntactic and semantic (Sesar 2005) criteria for their distinction.
Starting from the use that implies a loss of propositional value, we study the grammaticalization
which turns the noun into an MP, the adverb being its intermediate stage (Hopper & Traugott 2003).
The comparative corpus we use consists of the Croatian and Spanish translations of the Bible and of
the Spanish translation of a Croatian novel. The data are analyzed language internally, making use
of synchronic (CORPES) and diachronic (CORDE) corpora. Assuming the continuum between the
categories of modal and discourse markers (Cuenca 2013), the prototypical features of the MPs are
being identified. While the comparative study focuses on the correspondence of the illocutionary
values of acaso and Cr. zar, the language internal study helps to discover syntactic and functional
features (syntactic dependence, distribution and illocutionary value) that allow for distinguishing
the MPs from modal adverbs on the one hand and from modal operators on the other.

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