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Rip Cohen
Johns Hopkins University
United States
Vol 46 (2019), Articles, pages 109-124
Submitted: 07-11-2017 Accepted: 13-07-2018 Published: 09-09-2019
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The traitor (traedor) against whom a girl vows vengeance in a cantiga d’amigo of Nuno Treez (presumably a thirteenth century Galician jograr) might be thought to be San Clemenço, to whom the text is addressed, but an examination of pragmatic criteria supports the argument that the traitor is the girl’s boyfriend, who may merely be late in returning to her.
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Article Details


B = Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (Lisbon), cod. 10991.
V = Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Rome), cod. lat. 4803.
CA = Michaëlis de Vasconcelos, Carolina (1904): Cancioneiro da Ajuda. Halle: Max Niemeyer, 2 vols.
Cohen, Rip (1996): «Dança Jurídica», Colóquio-Letras 142, pp. 5-49.
Cohen, Rip (2003): 500 Cantigas d’Amigo. Porto: Campo das Letras.
Cohen, Rip (2010): «Pragmatics and Textual Criticism in the Cantigas d’Amigo», in M. Arbor Aldea & A. F. Guiadanes (eds.): Estudos de edición crítica e lírica galego-portuguesa. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (= Verba, Anuario Galego de Filoloxia, Anexo 67), pp. 25-42.
Cohen, Rip (2012): Erotic Angles on the Cantigas d’Amigo (Papers of the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar, 68). London: Department of Iberian and Latin American Studies, Queen Mary, University of London.
Cohen, Rip (2014): The Cantigas of Pero Meogo. Washington DC: Virtual Center for the Study of Galician-Portuguese Lyric <>.
/>Couceiro, José Luís (1993): «Nuno Treez», in G. Lanciani & G. Tavani (coord.): Dicionário da Literatura Medieval Galega e Portuguesa. Lisboa: Caminho, pp. 484-485.
Nunes, José Joaquim (1926-1928): Cantigas d’amigo dos trovadores galegoportugueses. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade, 3 vols.