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Alfredo Alvarez
Universidad de Oviedo
Vol 38 (2011), Notes
Submitted: 02-05-2012 Accepted: 02-05-2012 Published: 02-05-2012
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The description of the speech act as a grammatical concept has provoked an interestingreflexion about the borders between grammar and pragmatics. On the one hand, its definition is onlypossible in terms of communication as a transcendent value (instead of an immanent one) of the unitswhich is composed of. On the other hand, its use as a resource to recognize what is or what is not asyntagma has caused some difficulties in the analysis of “functional grammar”: the status of testedadjectives such as sendos, cierto, mismo, susodicho and marcadores del discurso (por consiguiente,sin embargo, en cambio, no obstante, en suma…), which are uncapable to work as communicativeunits. Also, the status of speech acts consisting of dependent units in contexts of strong presupposition(¿con o sin?) or the status of two or more contiguous phrases or sentences but without any dependencerelation between them has brought some troubles.

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