Vol 22 No 1-2 (2018)

Número doble año 2018

Published: 2019-07-25

Table of contents

The agreement with the FARC. A review around its utility.

  • Paula A. Valencia
  • Pedro Francés-Gómez
Published: 25-07-2019
Pages 9-32

Conflict, socialism, and democracy in Mill

  • Gustavo H. Dalaqua
Published: 02-08-2019
Pages 33-59

From the divine ruler to the paternal leader

  • Miguel Catalán
Published: 19-02-2020
Pages 61-84

Review of "Ética animal ¿una cuestión feminista?" by Angélica Velasco Sesma

  • Noelia Felpeto Rodríguez
Published: 30-09-2019
Pages 117-122

Review of "Neoliberalismo sexual" by Ana De Miguel

  • Noelia Felpeto Rodríguez
Published: 30-09-2019
Pages 123-128