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Raquel Díaz Seijas
Universidade da Coruña
Vol 20 No 2 (2015), Notas, pages 129-149
Submitted: 11-02-2016 Accepted: 11-02-2016 Published: 11-02-2016
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I have chosen this essay (M. C.: La ética de la democracia. Sobre la política de John Dewey, Ed Verbum, Madrid, 2013) for this paper because it is an excellent research on ethical and cultural roots of democracy from the study of John Dewey’s thought (1859-1952), American philosopher and educator who developed his theory about participative democracy considering the consequences of the 1929 crash. The twenties and thirties of the XXth century are so much like this early XXIst century, that their democratic will can afford us to identify the conditions to exit from of the current crisis of representation.



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