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Carlos Rodríguez Rellán
GEPN, Dpto. Historia I Facultade de Xeografía e Historia, USC
Ramón Fábregas Valcarce
GEPN, Dpto. Historia I Facultade de Xeografía e Historia, USC
No 27 (2015): SIG and historical knowledge, Articles
Submitted: 31-08-2015 Accepted: 14-11-2015 Published: 12-01-2016
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An analysis of the spatial distribution of the rock art of Porto do Son (A Coruña) has been conducted using both Geographic Information Systems –GRASS GIS– and statistical tools – R–. The results point out that the petroglyphs in the study area show a heterogeneous distribution and a nonuniform intensity. The exploratory analysis of the possible causes of such lack of homogeneity has allowed us to define, through the use of an archaeological potential model, those external variables that might have conditioned the spatial distribution of the analysed sample. Subsequently, we have tried to establish –by using several tests based on the Monte Carlo methods– the existence of eventual dependency relations between the points conforming the studied group.

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