The recent academic interest in the impact of geographic location on firm growth has been challenged due to the difficulty in establishing a comprehensive theory about the effect of geographic clustering on firm growth. Some studies have supported conventional wisdom in that the concentration of economic activity in a cluster has a significant impact on firm growth ; ; ; ; Porter, , ; ; . However, other studies have stated that being located in a cluster is statistically insignificant ; ; .
This paper focuses on the relationship between the regional density and growth of firms in the Portuguese textile and clothing industry to investigate how they influence geographic clustering. This industry is one of the oldest sectors in Portugal and one of the most advanced and best-performing transformation industries in the world ; ; . Predominantly based in the Northern region of Portugal, it comprises a formally recognized cluster with 87% turnover and 85% employment for the entire Portuguese textile and clothing industry, located in four main sub-regions in the in the “Norte” of Portugal .
Using a sample of 2.487 firms for the period 2011–2019 from the Sistema de Análise de Balanços Ibéricos database (or SABI in short) for the Portuguese textile and clothing industry, we have carried out an analysis using panel data and linear regression models.
Our results show that the location of firms in the cluster is not relevant for growth when the whole industry is considered. This finding is puzzling: if there is no location externality, what is the reason for there to be a level of geographical concentration?
Next, we conjectured two alternative explanations: the existence of intra-division spillovers, and the existence of other benefits for belonging to a cluster. To explore these conjectures, we initially separated the industry into two groups regarding their particular textile activities: “Textile manufacture” (division 13 in the Portuguese classification of economic activities), and “Clothing industry” (division 14). The former comprises firms involved in the preparation and spinning of textile fibers (131), textile weaving (132), textile finishing (133), and the manufacture of other textiles (139); the latter comprises firms involved in the confection of articles of clothing, except leather articles with fur (141), the manufacture of leather articles with fur (142), and the manufacture of articles made of mesh (143). Our disaggregate analysis drew three main empirical findings. Firstly, division 14 exhibited location externalities (a result in line with , , , and . However, division 13 reported no such location externalities (a result consistent with and . The same negative result was noted after further disaggregation of firms in division 13 between closely-related activities 131-133 and 139.
Our second result showed that the cross-location effect between both divisions was not significant for the textile manufacturing firms (division 13), and only those in the clothing industry (division 14) benefit inter-industry location externalities. Interestingly, although this industry is formally recognized as a cluster in Portugal, it is actually comprised of two different and unrelated divisions.
Finally, it is left to explain why firms in division 13 are still geographically concentrated in Portugal. We conjecture that other benefits not associated with productive externalities might play a particular role. Our third finding provides empirical evidence that the growth of firms located in the Portuguese textile and clothing cluster is positively correlated with external finance; specifically, this also helps to explain why textile manufacture firms (division 13) are located in the cluster. This result suggests that business proprietors strategically (and rationally) choose to locate a firm within the cluster as it helps mitigate informational asymmetries problems in accessing external finance. In other words, location becomes a solvency signal for firms.
Our analysis also addresses the effect of other variables on the growth of firms, which allow us to conclude that firm size is significantly and positively correlated with growth, while age is significantly negative. These results are in line with the empirical literature (for example, ; ; , ; ; ; ; ; ; .
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 contains the theoretical background and hypothesis development; Section 3 presents the methodology and describes the data and variables; Section 4 presents non-parametric and parametric results. Finally, Section 5 presents concluding remarks and suggestions for future research.
This section presents several statistical hypotheses related to location, drawn from the review of relevant literature. Besides this, we explore the effect of other variables that the literature has considered relevant to the growth of firms (e.g., ; , namely firm size, firm age, and financial sources.
2.1 Location
Does location matter to firms? Some locations or geographic areas have increasingly been recognized as being more favorable for firm growth than others (Lee, ; ; ; . Such is the case of firms located in an industrial district, or a cluster, like Silicon Valley in the United States or Zhongguancun Science Park in China ; . Firms are motivated to locate close to each other because of Marshallian agglomeration externalities . These spillovers, which constitute the essence of location advantage, are associated with labor market pooling, specialized input suppliers, and knowledge spillovers ; . said that the marginal cost of transmitting knowledge, especially tacit knowledge, rises with distance. This suggests that being located in a cluster is more conducive to firm growth because, there, firms are granted access to location resources, which does not occur in other regions ; ; ; ; ; ; ; .
Although establishing a comprehensive theory about the effect of geographic clustering on firm growth is difficult, the empirical literature has offered diverse but conflicting results. Concerning the effect of geographic clustering, some studies have supported the conventional wisdom: the concentration of economic activity in a geographic space has a significant impact on firm growth ; ; . concluded that ‘location matters’ but that the effect differs by type of economic activity. , in an analysis of five southern African countries, provided some evidence of the existence of agglomeration externalities and found that urban-based firms grow faster than small and micro firms do in rural areas. Other studies, however, have stated that being located in a cluster is statistically insignificant ; . found that location per se has no positive effect on firm growth in an empirical analysis of firms in nine industries across six countries, and reported that clustered firms have no significant influence on innovation and speed of growth. To summarize, the effects on a firm’s growth of being surrounded by firms belonging to the same industry are controversial. With this in mind, we have posited three hypotheses regarding firm location in different ever-widening geographic areas:
H1a – Being located in a cluster has a positive effect on firm growth rate.
H1b – Being located in a municipality has a positive effect on firm growth rate.
H1c – Being located in an “extended” or “wide” municipality (i.e., surrounded by firms located at an area encompass a municipality and nearby municipalities) has a positive effect on firm growth rate.
2.2 Size
presented the first formal model that relates the dynamics of firm size to the structure of the industry, known in the literature as the “Law of proportional effect” . Gibrat's Law states that the average growth rate is the same for all firms at any given time . Consequently, the expected growth rate of a firm is independent of its size, and the probability of a given growth rate during a specific time interval is the same for all firms in the same industry ; . Within this context, the issue of whether firm size has a systematic influence on the growth rate of a firm has been the subject of extensive research in empirical studies . Despite the apparent power of Gibrat’s Law, most empirical analyses have rejected the hypothesis of independence of growth in relation to size: the size presents an inverse relationship to the firm's growth , , , ; , ; ; Almus & Nerlinger, ; ; ; ; . Small firms grow faster ; ; than their larger counterparts ; . Hence, it is expected that the smaller the firm, the higher its growth rate:
2.3 Age
and theoretically address the age of firms as a determinant of firm growth. While Evans found that firm growth decreases at a diminishing rate with firm size, Jovanovic concluded that, on average, older firms grow more slowly than younger ones within an industry (i.e. firm growth decreases with firm age). This may happen because young firms need to grow to be able to reduce uncertainty and accumulate sufficient resources that allow them to withstand unpredictable external shocks . Concerning empirical research, most analyses have concluded that age and firm growth are inversely related to each other ; ; : unlike mature firms, young firms exhibit high growth rates ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; , , . Hence, it is expected that young firms have high growth rates:
2.4 Financing sources
Growth can be seriously hampered when firms are subject to financial restrictions . Of course, access to finance does not directly cause growth, but credit constraints may affect it. Therefore, without adequate access to financing, the staying power of the business and its growth potential is jeopardized ; . Research on the role of financing in the firm growth process highlights that access to finance impacts firm behavior (investment, production, innovation, and exporting decisions) . Consequently, financial capital is essential for the growth of firms because it can be easily converted into other types of resources . It must be pointed out that there are two sources of financial resources: internal and external. The former stems from the injections of capital provided by the business proprietor and the profits of the firm; the latter is provided from financial institutions, suppliers, and the capital market ; . Firms that can finance themselves with their profits are less exposed to external financing sources . Internal sources of financing are typically the first option for a business proprietor; however, this form of funding is likely to be limited, which may constrain the growth of the firm . According to , as the level of external financial constraints decreases, the tendency for firms is to transition from relying on internal funds to seeking external sources of financing to support their growth. It should also be mentioned that internal financial resources are related to the idiosyncratic characteristics of the business proprietor (motivation, number of founders, networks, and personal and family resources) and internal factors of the firm (vision and mission). The external financial resources are related to the owner’s idiosyncratic characteristics (such as age and experience) and factors that are external to the firm (political and economic) ), which portray the features of the financial system in which the firm is situated and determine external financing options .
According to the empirical literature, financial capital is one of the determining factors of firm growth ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; . Based on the above arguments, we have formulated the following research hypothesis.
In this section, we present our study data and the variables.
3.1 Data
The data was obtained from the SABI database, which offers exhaustive information from balance sheets and financial sources, both on public and private firms belonging to Portugal. The data included all variables found in annual reports e.g., number of employees, sales, assets, financial ratios, date of establishment and industry classification codes. Using this information, we chose different criteria by first selecting Portuguese firms classified according to Rev. 3 on divisions 13 and 14. Secondly, we restricted our analysis to active firms (i = 1, …, n) throughout all sample periods (2011–2019 inclusive). Thirdly, given that statistical tests can only be computed based on raw data without missing values in the data matrix, we excluded firms with missing values for the number of employees, age, assets, liability, and location. Finally, we only considered firms having at least one employee throughout the period, and we only considered firms having a turnover greater than zero throughout the period. The final sample was a balanced panel dataset and comprised a total of 2.487 firms. During the 9 years covered in this study, these firms survived, were not absorbed by other firms and did not go bankrupt.
3.2 Dependent variable
To measure dependent variable growth, we used the growth rate given by the difference between the logarithm of a size-related variable in the current and immediately previous period. The literature has traditionally studied the growth of firms by analyzing the evolution of the series of employment, sales or assets. More specifically, we measured firm growth by taking the log-differences to minimize the effect of heteroscedasticity in statistical analysis , the usual procedure for calculating growth rates , , , , , ; that is,
where Sizei,t is measured by any of the following variables identified in the literature: employment ; , sales , and assets ; . Accordingly, we used three different measures for growth that reflect different aspects of the growth process. Several measures in the analysis of firm growth allowed us to provide a more complete picture and robustness of the effect of size on the growth of firms ; .
3.3 Independent variables
The independent variables included internal factors related to the essence and characteristics
of the firm and external factors related to economic ones ; . We considered five variables: Size, Age, Internal and External Finance, and Location. Unless mentioned, all but the dummy and proxy variables were subjected to logarithmic
transformation (natural log). The variable Size (Size
i,t-1) is a measure of the number of firm resources. To be consistent with the growth measure
chosen, Size was measured by (the logarithm of) the number of employees, sales, and
assets in the previous periods. The variable Age (Agei,t
-1) was measured by (the log of) the number of years a firm had been active in the business
sector in the previous periods. Concerning the variables of financing sources, we
followed the methodology of . The variable Internal Finance (
Finally, concerning Location, the literature has proposed different measures for this independent variable. , using data on 806 private and public U.S. biotechnology firms, asserted that methods for determining clusters are imprecise even though they considered the Metropolitan Statistical Area to define clusters. simply made a dichotomic distinction between firms located in rural areas and those located in urban ones. In our body of work, we analyzed the Portuguese Textile Cluster, a geographically proximate group of interconnected firms mainly located at four poles. To measure the local levels of agglomeration and the local market concentration, we needed to determine the boundaries within which these forces operate; therefore, we constructed series that measures three different dimensions. A first series, denoted as LClusteri , simply indicates whether a firm pertains (or not) to one of the four poles of the Portuguese textile and clothing industry. Like other previous studies ; ; , we created a dummy variable that takes the value of 1 if the firm belonged to one of the above-mentioned poles, or 0 otherwise. A second series, denoted as LMunicipalityi , accounted for all firms belonging to each firm’s municipality. Here the cluster and the resulting spillovers were measured as concentrated within a municipality. The greater the number of firms in a municipality, the greater the effect of location on firm growth. Finally, we considered that location spillovers are measured not only by the firms within a municipality but also by the conglomerate “surrounding” that firm: that is, firms belonging to the municipality as well as those neighboring the municipality account for the location externality of each firm. Accordingly, we followed the methodology of , based on concentric rings with various radii around the geographic centroid, defining a third variable denoted as LWideClusteri This variable considered the total number of firms belonging to their respective municipalities plus those belonging to the neighboring municipalities.
3.4 Descriptive Statistics
The distribution of firms by Size i,t -1 (measured by the number of employees in 2011) and Age i,t -1 (the firm’s number of years from foundation to 2011) is presented in Figures 1-2, which show that most firms are small and young. The size distribution of firms is J-shaped: there are a few large firms and many small firms. The 79 smaller firms have 1 employee, while the largest has 761 employees. In 2011, the 86 youngest firms in the sample were 1 year old, while the oldest was 106.
Table 1 displays basic statistics for the measures Growthi,t
, Size
i,t-1, Age
Concerning the distribution of firms among location, we found that most of them were concentrated in four main sub-regions (the textile cluster): Cávado (24% of the total firms); Ave (33%); Área Metropolitana do Porto (21%), and Tâmega e Sousa (8%). Most firms (n = 2.130 [86%]) were located inside the textile cluster, while only 357 (14%) were based outside the cluster (Table 3). This reinforces the idea that the textile sector (and the sector’s main infrastructures) is geographically concentrated in the “Norte” region of Portugal (see Figure 3). According to , the Portuguese textile and clothing industry is mainly located in the “Norte” region of Portugal which represents 87% of the turnover and 85% of employment. The rationale of this distribution may be due to there being a positive location externality, where there is a higher average growth rate for firms within a cluster than the growth rate of firms located outside it (Table 3). We provide further analysis on this topic in the following section.
Source: Own computations from SABI.
Source: Own computations from SABI.
Table 2 displays the average firm growth at each percentile for the Portuguese textile and clothing industry. Concerning growth, it was reported that: (1) Whatever the growth measurement used, the descriptive statistics indicate that until the 25th percentile, growth was negative. For the modal value of the distribution (p50) and later (p75, p90, and p95) percentiles, growth was positive. This seems to support the idea that most firms do not maintain their initial size. Firms exhibiting an increase in the number of employees, sales or assets—suggesting an upsizing (positive) growth—coexist with others that shrink—suggesting a downsizing (negative) growth; and (2), firms grew more in assets, followed by sales and, finally, employees; the same happened for the firms that shrank.
Source: Own computations from SABI.
This section outlines the estimation framework. We present a non-parametric analysis (Section 4.1.) for the above-described variables and a regression methodology (Section 4.2.) that supports our hypotheses. We conclude by presenting the results that explain the “location puzzle” (Sections 4.3., 4.4. and 4.5.).
4.1 Non-Parametric Results
Table 4 reports the Pearson Correlation of the variables used in this study on the Portuguese
textile and clothing industry. The correlation between the measures of firm growth
Variable name | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
1.000 | |||||||||||
0.313** | 1.000 | ||||||||||
0.164** | 0.357** | 1.000 | |||||||||
0.129** | 0.059** | 0.048** | 1.000 | ||||||||
0.103** | 0.123** | 0.090** | 0.820** | 1.000 | |||||||
0.055** | 0.028** | 0.103** | 0.721** | 0.916** | 1.000 | ||||||
-0.106** | -0.124** | -0.122** | 0.298** | 0.337** | 0.425** | 1.000 | |||||
0.029** | 0.157** | 0.242** | 0.028** | 0.070** | 0.055** | -0.058** | 1,000 | ||||
0.014* | 0.072** | 0.186** | -0.060** | -0.100** | -0.147** | -0.087** | -0.518** | 1.000 | |||
10 LClusteri | 0.036** | 0.033** | 0.037** | 0.059** | 0.048** | -0.008 | -0.099** | 0.063** | -0.055** | 1.000 | ||
11 LMunicipalityi | 0.019** | 0.017* | 0.022** | 0.004 | 0.013 | -0.016* | -0.050** | 0.041** | -0.036** | 0.409** | 1.000 | |
12 LWideClusteri | 0.028** | 0.024** | 0.023** | 0.025** | 0.033** | -0.006 | -0.078** | 0.053** | -0.046** | 0.548** | 0.701** | 1.000 |
Source: Own computations from SABI.
4.2 Regression methodology – Multivariate model
To perform the studies, we followed the tradition of modeling firm growth as a stochastic process . To model the dynamics of firm growth, we began by opting for a multiple linear regression. To avoid endogeneity, we regressed each measure of growth with non-correspondent measures of Size. The multiple multivariate regression specification was.
where Growth
i,t was the growth rate experienced by firm i for the period 2011-2019, and εi,t
represented the statistical residual. The variable
The results are presented in Table 5. The empirical evidence obtained in this study, for size, age, and financial resources, shows that the findings were similar to the other empirical studies , , , . prediction that size is only determined by random influences and the null hypothesis that every firm has the same probability to grow can be rejected, so H2 was rejected. and showed that young firms on average, exhibit higher growth rates than mature firms, so our analysis could not reject hypothesis H3. The financial resources, internal or external, are determinants stimulating the growth of firms in the Portuguese textile and clothing industry. Similar results were found in the study, meaning that we could not reject the previous formulated hypothesis, H4.
Regarding location, each definition exhibited a positive and small coefficient when regressed with the different measures of growth. The standalone effect on the growth of firms located in an agglomeration was not statistically significant, so our results reject hypotheses H1abc. This suggests that firms can grow in any geographic area as the location externalities are weak. These results were in line with , concerning location in a cluster per se having no positive effect on firm growth, and contrasted with other empirical studies claiming that concentration of economic activity in a geographic space has a significant impact on firm growth ; ; ; ; . However, this finding is puzzling: if there is no location externality, how can it be explained that 87% of turnover and 85% of employment of the sector are located in four main sub-regions in the “Norte” region of Portugal? We will call this the “location puzzle” for the Portuguese textile and clothing industry.
In the following sections, we conjecture different explanations for this puzzle, namely, the existence of intra-division spillovers (section 4.3), the existence of inter-division spillovers (section 4.4) and the existence of other benefits for belonging to a cluster (section 4.5).
Variable name |
0.021 (0.000***) | 0.019 (0.000***) | |
0.022 (0.000***) | ||
Age i,t-1 | -0.052 (0.000***) | -0.050 (0.000***) | -0.037 (0.000***) |
0.007 (0.004***) | 0.093 (0.000***) | 0.146 (0.000***) |
0.002 (0.000***) | 0.019 (0.000***) | 0.036 (0.000***) |
LClusteri | 0.003 (0.222) | 0.003 (0.326) | 0.005 (0.032**) |
LMunicipalityi | 8.219-7 (0.871) | 2.052-6 (0.736) | 7.644-6 (0.120) |
LWideClusteri | 1.130-6 (0.630) | 4.994-7 (0.859) | -2.668-6 (0.240) |
Constant | -0.054 (0.000***) | 0.025 (0.000***) | -0.090 (0.000***) |
R2 | 0.034 | 0.074 | 0.211 |
Observations | 2.487 |
Source: Own computations from SABI.
4.3 The “location puzzle” and intra-division spillovers
The poor results in the multivariate analysis concerning location effects are puzzling. In this section, we conjecture that the origin of this puzzle is the dissimilarity between the activities performed by firms belonging to the Portuguese textile cluster. Our hypothesis is that location spillovers exist among textile-related firms, but only among those developing close textile activities. Specifically, we might adapt hypothesis 1c as follows: “Being located in an “extended” or “wide” municipality with firms developing similar textile activities has a positive effect on firm growth rate."
To check our hypothesis, we adopted the regression strategy of separating firms into
two groups regarding their particular textile activities. The first group comprise
firms involved in the preparation and spinning of textile fibers, textile weaving,
textile finishing, and manufacture of other textiles, classified according to Rev.
3 on division 13 “textile manufacture”; the second group is made up of firms involved
in clothing as their main output and classified according to the Rev. 3 on division
14 “clothing industry”. To be consistent with this new analysis, we created two new
location variables,
Next, to address the location effect on both groups of firms in the Portuguese textile and clothing industry, we regressed equation (2) for these subsamples, Table 6 showing our results.
The relationship between growth and size was significantly positive, while the variable
Age was significantly negative for both industries (similar results were obtained
in studies such as , , and T. The variables of Internal and External finance continue positive and significant
for both groups. The coefficient of the variable
13 | 14 | 13A | 13B | |
Variable name |
0.017 (0.000***) | 0.021 (0.000***) | 0.015 (0.000***) | 0.018 (0.000***) |
Age i,t-1 | -0.033 (0.000***) | -0.040 (0.000***) | -0.035 (0.000***) | -0.031 (0.000***) |
0.133 (0.000***) | 0.167 (0.000***) | 0.088 (0.000***) | 0.170 (0.000***) |
0.025 (0.000***) | 0.043 (0.000***) | 0.020 (0.000***) | 0.030 (0.000***) |
-6.992-6 (0.230) | |||
8.765-6 (0.003***) | |||
3.657-5 (0.259) | |||
-1.903-5 (0.080*) | |||
Constant | -0.070 (0.000***) | -0.104 (0.000***) | -0.056 (0.000***) | -0.082 (0.000***) |
R2 | 0.184 | 0.237 | 0.162 | 0.209 |
Observations | 910 | 1.577 | 269 | 641 |
Source: Own computations from SABI.
These results partially solve the location puzzle: while firms in the clothing industry
consider it important to be in the cluster, it is not relevant to textile manufacture.
This finding leads to the creation of a new puzzle, as, in our database, 83% of firms
in the textile manufacture industry (division 13) were also located in the four main
sub-regions in the “Norte” region of Portugal. So, we next wonder whether further
disaggregation of the textile manufacture (division 13), would be able to solve the
location puzzle. Accordingly, we separated firms belonging to division 13 into two
groups of firms. The first one, which we denoted as division 13A, includes firms devoted
to activities such as preparation, spinning, weaving and textile finishing activities,
and are classified according to Rev. 3 on groups 131, 132, and 133 (see Table 1). The second group, denoted division 13B, includes firms’ developing activities related
to the manufacture of home textiles and other textiles, classified in group 139 (see
Table 1). To be consistent with this new analysis, we created two new location variables,
These results show that the Marshallian agglomeration externalities, associated with labor market pooling, specialized input suppliers, and knowledge spillovers ; ; did not result in greater growth of firms belonging to the textile manufacture. Hence, our “location puzzle” has been solved at least for division 14 but it still unexplained for firms belonging to division 13.
4.4 The “location puzzle” and inter-industry spillovers
In our database, 83% of firms in textile manufacture (division 13) were located in the “Norte” region of Portugal. Nonetheless, the previous section shows that the location decision of business proprietor is unusual as no external effect was reported for firms in division 13.
14 | 13A | 13B | |
Variable name |
0.021 (0.000***) | 0.015 (0.000***) | 0.018 (0.000***) |
Age i,t-1 | -0.040 (0.000***) | -0.036 (0.000***) | -0.031 (0.000***) |
0.167 (0.000***) | 0.088 (0.000***) | 0.169 (0.000***) |
0.043 (0.000***) | 0.020 (0.000***) | 0.030 (0.000***) |
0.000 (0.002***) | 0.000 (0.226) | 0.000 (0.065*) |
0.000 (0.002***) | 0.000 (0.171) | 0.000 (0.042**) |
2.385-5 (0.000***) | 1.143-5 (0.475) | -7.391-6 (0.502) |
Constant | -0.108 (0.000***) | -0.052 (0.002***) | -0.085 (0.000***) |
R2 | 0.238 | 0.164 | 0.210 |
Observations | 1.577 | 269 | 641 |
Source: Own computations from SABI.
In this section, we conjecture that the origin of the unsolved location puzzle for division 13 stemmed from the existence of location spillovers among firms developing different, but complementary activities. Our hypothesis is that location spillovers exist for firms in division 13, but only among those developing complementary textile activities, because complementarities exist when firms of some industry are located close to firms of other industries. Thus, we needed to adapt Hypothesis 1c again to consider this location complementarity for division 13.
To check our hypothesis, we adopted the close regression strategy that was followed
in section 4.3. Therefore, we assessed the cross-relationship between
The results for growth and size, age, and internal and external finance were still unchanged. Concerning location, a cross-division effect was not reported. The coefficients for location-related variables were not found to be significant for subdivisions 13A and 13B, while the value taken for division 14 was positive and significant, albeit with a β 7 coefficient close to zero. These results imply that only the firms in the clothing industry (division 14) enjoyed inter-industry location externalities, because they are located close to textile-related firms.
4.5 The “location puzzle”: Benefit of being located in the Portuguese textile cluster poles
In the previous section, we did not empirically find external spillovers that explain the reasons that resulted in the present location of firms in division 13, the textile manufacture, which represents 37% of the total firms. This suggests that other motivations or benefits play a role. The usual intuition of a business holder’s location choice is usually related to cultural (entrepreneurial culture), behavioral, historical and institutional factors, that influence your location decisions . For example, modern environmental regulation would find it less costly to move the firms together with sites endowed with abatement technologies. This would save fixed costs, then increase profits and trigger firm growth. Yet, our previous finding has not reported location effects for firms in the textile manufacture (division 13). Therefore, an alternative explanation is that firms obtain some benefit for locating at a cluster. Next, we explored the relationship between locations in clusters and one of the possible benefits: having access to external financial resources.
We regressed equation (3) with the variable LClusteri , filtered by selecting two groups. One group includes the 2.130 firms belonging to the four poles of the Portuguese textile and clothing industry and a second group comprised 357 firms that were not in any of the poles. We also undertook the same analysis for divisions 13A, 13B, and 14. The linear multivariate regression specification then became:
All variables are the same as in equation (2). The results are presented in Table 8 and Table 9.
The relationship between growth and size and age remained unchanged. The results show that the effect of external financial resources on the growth of firms was greater for firms located inside the cluster. The coefficient to the variables of the financial resources (internal or external) is positive and significant, but the value of the coefficient β 4 is higher for firms that are located in one of the four poles, in all the division's portions of the sample.
Inside the cluster | Outside the cluster | |||||
Variable name |
0.020 (0.000***) | 0.016 (0.000***) | 0.023 (0.000***) | 0.025 (0.000***) | ||
0.020 (0.000***) | 0.020 (0.000***) | ||||
Agei,t -1 | -0.052 (0.000***) | -0.048 (0.000***) | -0.030 (0.000***) | -0.045 (0.000***) | -0.037 (0.000***) | -0.029 (0.000***) |
0.018 (0.000***) | 0.156 (0.000***) | 0.229 (0.000***) | -0.005 (0.144) | 0.038 (0.000***) | 0.068 (0.000***) |
0.004 (0.000***) | 0.023 (0.000***) | 0.044 (0.000***) | -0.001 (0.414) | 0.008 (0.000***) | 0.019 (0.000***) |
Constant | -0.049 (0.000***) | 0.019 (0.000***) | -0.090 (0.000***) | -0.070 (0.000***) | 0.022 (0.043**) | -0.112 (0.000***) |
R2 | 0.034 | 0.102 | 0.267 | 0.035 | 0.034 | 0.156 |
Observations | 2.130 | 357 |
Source: Own computations from SABI.
Inside the cluster | Outside the cluster | |||||
13A | 13B | 14 | 13A | 13B | 14 | |
Variable name |
0.012 (0.000***) | 0.018 (0.000***) | 0.016 (0.000***) | 0.013 (0.204) | 0.017 (0.000***) | 0.028 (0.000***) |
Age i,t-1 | 0.026 (0.000***) | -0.032 (0.000***) | -0.033 (0.000***) | -0.070 (0.001***) | -0.016 (0.070**) | -0.024 (0.003***) |
0.386 (0.000***) | 0.158 (0.000***) | 0.261 (0.000***) | 0.053 (0.000***) | 0.221 (0.000***) | 0.078 (0.000***) |
0.113 (0.000***) | 0.033 (0.000***) | 0.046 (0.000***) | 0.010 (0.000***) | 0.025 (0.000***) | 0.023 (0.000***) |
Constant | -0.198 (0.000***) | -0.086 (0.000***) | -0.089 (0.000***) | 0.022 (0.725) | -0.092 (0.000***) | -0.146 (0.000***) |
R2 | 2 | 0.211 | 0.298 | 0.376 | 0.214 | 0.150 |
Observations | 250 | 506 | 1.374 | 19 | 135 | 203 |
Source: Own computations from SABI.
This result supports the conventional wisdom that firms can gain substantial advantages if they are located in a cluster ; . It provides empirical evidence that the growth of firms located in the textile and clothing cluster is positively correlated with external finance, and this helps to explain why textile manufacture firms are located in the cluster. This result implies that business proprietors strategically (and rationally) decide to locate their firms in the cluster because it helps mitigate information asymmetry problems in accessing external finance. In other words, the location itself becomes a solvency signal for firms.
In this paper, we have empirically addressed a “location puzzle” in the Portuguese textile and clothing industry. Although firms belonging to this cluster are mainly concentrated in four poles, we found that location is not relevant when the whole industry is considered. This is the “location puzzle”: if there is no location externality for firms in the Portuguese textile and clothing industry, why are 87% of firms located in the four main sub-regions in the “Norte” region? At the disaggregate analysis, we found that the clothing industry (division 14) exhibited location externalities, whereas the textile manufacture (division 13) did not. The same negative result was obtained after further disaggregating for firms in division 13 (divisions 13A and 13B). In addition, the cross-location effect between both divisions was not significant for the textile manufacture firms, and only the firms in the clothing industry had inter-industry location externalities. To understand our results about location, we conjectured that other benefits not associated with productive externalities might play a role. We presented empirical evidence that the growth of firms located in the textile and clothing cluster is positively correlated with external finance; this also helps to explain why textile manufacture firms are located in the cluster. This result suggest that business proprietors strategically (and rationally) decide to locate their firms in the cluster because it helps mitigate information asymmetry problems in accessing external finance. In other words, the location itself becomes a solvency signal for firms. Finally, in accordance with previous outcomes in the literature, our empirical findings indicate that size is significantly and positively correlated with growth, while age is significantly negative.
Our results suggest that the Portuguese textile and clothing industry, a formally recognized cluster, is comprised of two unrelated sectors; this means that the interests of firms associated with the cluster might be (rather) disparate when it comes to, for example, spillovers associated with labor market pooling, specialized input suppliers, knowledge spillovers, or simply the gains in access to external financial resources. While firms in the clothing industry (division 14) find location relevant and can benefit from Marshallian external location effects, those belonging to the textile manufacture (division 13) do not obtain any spillover benefits. This is relevant for business holders and policymakers concerning the optimal allocation of the scarce amount of placement resources available in the cluster poles, as our results jeopardizes any policies and public subsidies aimed at guiding the location decision that business owners may take in “textile manufacture”. In the microanalysis, our results suggest that the geographic promotion of the Portuguese textile and clothing industry cluster should be focused on firms in division 14 (see Table 6). If other textile manufacturers are also allowed in the poles, those belonging to division 13A must be selected (see Table 6).
In addition, if external finance is the true benefit of being located inside the cluster for firms of the “textile manufacture” (division 13), public policies or measures should be implemented to mitigate monitoring or information asymmetry problems that the Portuguese financial sector incur to provide external funds to those in said cluster.
Two avenues for future research have been identified. Firstly, the issue of whether the location puzzle is prevalent in other sectors of the Portuguese economy (or in other economies) could be studied. Since business owners find that locating their firms in a cluster is a signal that mitigates information asymmetry problems concerning access to external financial funds, analyzing if this is the case for other clusters would be wise to do. If so, this would shed light on a major structural problem in the Portuguese economy. Secondly, since the contribution of our body of work was concerned with location, different methods and techniques to address spillover location effects should be considered, such as spatial analysis . This could help to explain the impact of other related firms and universities on location and firm growth . These alternative empirical analyses could be undertaken to check the robustness of our results concerning the existence of location externalities.
The author would like to thank the two referees of this journal for their useful insights.
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