About the Journal
Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
The Revista Galega de Economía/Galician Journal of Economics (RGE/GJE) is a scientific journal, which publishes original papers related to the fields of economy and business.
It targets the national and international scientific and university community, as well as all those working in economics and business.
The RGE/GJE may include, in addition to the main section of Articles, the following complementary sections in ordinary issues:
- – Short notes (Texts concerning specific details of research in process).
The RGE/GJE accepts papers in Galician, Spanish, Portuguese, and English.
Peer Review Process
Communications and author identity will not be disclosed (double blind process).
The criteria used to review the papers, both for the initial and subsequent external evaluation, will be based on originality, relevance and scientific interest, as well as how it fits in our journal coverage and its publication guidelines.
Aspects related to content and to formal and style issues are collected in the report template that is provided for the reviewers.
The process from submission of the manuscript until it is approval by the Editorial Board (EB) will take approximately five months.
Receipt, Evaluation and Acceptance
- Receipt: The RGE/GJE will acknowledge receipt of the paper within a maximum of the 10 days.
- Initial evaluation: It will be carried out by a member of the Editorial Board or an expert in the field selected by the Editorial Board, who will decide if an external revision is needed. If the paper does not pass this evaluation, it will be rejected. Authors will be notified and sent a copy of the report.
- External evaluation: Provided the “initial evaluation” is positive, the paper will be sent to two external reviewers. The fact that a paper is sent to be evaluated does not imply our commitment to accepting it for publishing, since only after receiving the reports will make a final decision concerning the paper.
- Reviewers will have 30 days to deliver the report we commission them with. If the reports are contradictory, the paper will be sent to a third reviewer. Once received, the reports will be sent to the authors within a maximum of 10 days.
- Acceptance, conditional acceptance, refusal:
- a) If the recommendation from both external reviewers is "Accept": the paper will be accepted.
- b) If the recommendation from both external reviewers is "Revision": authors will be told about the amendments and will have 30 days to send a report detailing the changes made, together with a new version of the paper. This new version will be revised by a member of the Editorial Board or by the expert/s in charge of the “initial evaluation” and a decision will be taken.
- c) If the reports from both external reviewers are "Reject": the paper will be rejected.
- Editorial Board approval: the Editorial Board meets at least two times per year. Some of these meetings may be virtual.
Acknowledgement of reviewers for 2019 and 2020
Acknowledgement of reviewers for 2021
Acknowledgement of reviewers for 2022
Acknowledgement of reviewers for 2023
Acknowledgement of reviewers for 2024
Publishing papers. In general, papers will be published according to the date they are accepted. No author will have two papers published in the same issue, even if both belong to different sections.
Proofreading. Proofread versions will be sent to the corresponding author only and they will need to send it back seven days after receipt. Any delay on returning proofread versions will imply the work will be published without the author’s corrections. We do not accept any amendments which may convey changes in meaning (additions, modifying or eliminating passages, tables, boxes, graphics, pictures or footnotes…). The editor will be responsible for a final proofreading.
The evaluation process is the same as the one described for paper submissions, except that only one review is necessary.
Publication Frequency
Publication Frequency
The RGE/GJE is published twice a year although sometimes Special Issues may be published throughout the year.
Guidelines for Special Issues
A Special Issue entails a compilation of articles that focus on a theme relevant to the journal’s aims and scope. Scholars may receive invitations to serve as Guest Editors for Special Issues on topics of interest. We also welcome proposals for guest-edited Special Issues from experts on specific topics. To submit proposals, please forward them to the Editors-in-Chief at revista.rge@usc.gal, including the following details:
- Proposed title of the Special Issue. •List of Guest Editors (typically no more than three): Names, affiliations, e-mail addresses, ORCID IDs, and CVs. • Explanation of the Special Issue's relevance to the journal’s thematic focus. • Draft of the Call for Papers. • Tentative timeline.
Guest editors must have an extensive and recognised track record in the proposed subject area. Their ability and commitment to promote the dissemination of Call for Papers with the highest quality, will be particularly valued.
The Journal Editorial Office will assess the initial proposal's alignment with the journal's criteria of quality, timeliness, and scope. Following consultation with the Editorial Board, the Guest Editor will receive a letter either accepting or rejecting the proposal.
Guest Editors bear the primary responsibility for curating the Special Issue and overseeing the editorial review process. They receive direct supervision and assistance from the Journal Editorial Office. All submissions undergo the same rigorous peer review process and adhere to the same ethical guidelines as regular issue papers.
Guest Editors are required to disclose any potential competing interests and may be excluded from the peer review process should such conflicts arise. Moreover, they should refrain from handling manuscripts in cases where competing interest exist. This includes, but is not limited to, prior collaboration with one or more authors or sharing the same institution as one or more authors. If a Guest Editor is listed as an author or possesses other competing interests regarding a specific manuscript, an alternate Guest Editor (if feasible) or a member of the Editorial Board will be designated to oversee the peer review and make the final decision on the paper.
Open Access Policy
From 2019 this is a web-based, open-access, peer-review journal that yields immediate access to all its content, in order to transfer knowledge, academic, and scientific advancements worldwide.
There are no processing charges.
Indexed/Abstracted in
The RGE/GJE is indexed in SCOPUS, Dialnet, InDICEs-CSIC, IDEAS-RePEc, REDALYC, REDIB, DOAJ, and ERIH PLUS, among others. It is also included in different tools for the analysis of scientific journals such as MIAR, Latindex or CIRC.
Disclaimer and exclusion of liability
The RGE/GJE is not responsible for the contents of any article, and the fact of its sponsoring the spreading of an article does not necessarily entail its agreement on the theses exposed in the article. The editor, in any case, is free of any responsibility resulting from the author’s eventual violation of intellectual property rights.
Review form
The review of papers will be carried out taking into account both formal aspects (title, abstract, organisation of sections, length, writing, etc.) and the quality of the contents (originality, novelty, statement of objectives and hypotheses, methodology, relevance of conclusions and bibliography) and their relevance to the subject aims and scope of the Journal. For this purpose, the following evaluation report template is made available to the reviewers: Review form
Ethical Guidelines
The publication of scientific articles involves several actors, including the publisher, the editors in chief, the reviewers and the authors. It is expected that each of these agents have an ethical behaviour referred to ethical principles partially inspired in those provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Best Practice Guidelines.
The publisher provides technical assistance and support to the journal editors in the use of the web platform, and maintains the software updated and able to facilitate the submission, evaluation and publication process of scientific works. The publisher also collaborates with the editors in chief indexing the papers, providing information about the databases requirements and, so, contributing to the Journal positioning in the usual rankings. Broadly, the publisher should helps to increase the editorial quality of the Journal, contributing to its visibility, internationalization and impact.
Editors in chief ensures that manuscripts submitted are evaluated based exclusively on its intellectual content, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, political affiliation or philosophical trend of the authors. They guarantee the confidentiality of the work, not revealing the identity of the authors to other agents except to those authorized by the publisher, or the editorial board of the journal. Editors can refuse a job if it not satisfy the formal requirements or approach a subject not belonging to the scope of the journal. Editors communicate within the deadlines, once they see the referees, the acceptance or rejection of the submitted papers.
Editorial Board Guidelines:
Editorial board members review submitted manuscripts, advise on journal policy, identify topics for special issues and assist editors in decision making issues. The work ethic expected from them is based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Their work, in its entirety, is carried out following strict ethical guidelines: gender, race, sexual orientation, religious beliefs and political ideologies are set aside in order to maintain the highest level of professionalism. They observe the laws of confidentiality and they commit to not reveal the identities of the authors to those who shouldn’t have access to the information.
- Conflict of interest between Editorial Board Members:
All editors follow the guidelines issued by the ICMJE which states that they should not have a conflict of interests that could lead to bias or the appearance of bias in decision making (see ICMJE | Conflicts of Interest). By virtue of their positions, journal editors must be especially sensitive to the issue of actual or perceived conflicts of interest and must be especially rigorous in acting to avoid them. No member of the editorial board shall derive any personal gain, financial or material, directly or indirectly, by reason of his or her participation on the board. Editors are responsible for disclosing to the editor-in-chief any personal or financial relationship that may bias their work during the peer review process and recuse themselves when such conflicts are of sufficient relevance. Because it is not possible to anticipate every situation, editors should inform the editor-in-chief at the time of manuscript invitation of any potential conflict of interest with a potential author or reviewer. Similarly, if an editor becomes aware of an apparent conflict of interest, he or she will inform the editor-in-chief. The editor-in-chief will consult with the associate editors who are not affected by the conflict, and the affected editor agrees to abide by their decision.
Reviewers should refuse to refer a paper if they do not feel qualified in the subject approached or if they can not take the evaluation within the deadline suggested by the Journal. The referee report should be objective and written in a clearly and reasoned style. Reviewers should avoid ad hominem references and offensive or demeaning comments; their suggestions should focus mainly on the improvement work. Reviewers should treat manuscripts as confidential documents, and their contents is not used in their own works. Reviewers should reject referee papers if they show a conflict of interest, for example a past or present relationship with the paper's authors or the institutions they depend.
Authors should submit papers containing original research on a clearly identifiable and not previously published subject. They should not send articles including a substantial part of others papers or books already published. Papers should be written so that they can be understood or replicated by reviewers. If ideas of others are used, they should be clearly referenced; plagiarism is an unacceptable behaviour and its detection involves cancel the submission or remove it from the platform if it was already published. In case of co-authorship, all people that significantly contribute to the paper are considered its author; each author should be able to identify which parts of the work are own and which parts are from others authors, and must maintain confidentiality of the all contents until the article is published. Simultaneous paper sending to other Journals is a sufficient condition for archiving it. If in the process of the paper edition the authors find errors or improprieties, they should communicate to the editors in chief as soon as possible and cooperate in their correction. Authors should communicate the potential conflict of interest between the paper findings and the financial support.
Informed consent. In all cases of articles that directly involve people as subjects or objects of research, the author must obtain the informed consent of whoever participates in the research; in the case of a person who is not capable of giving informed consent, the investigator must obtain proxy consent from a duly authorized representative. In any case, the author undertakes to:
- communicate to the potential participant all the information necessary for him/her to grant a duly informed consent;
- give the potential participant a full opportunity to ask questions, and encourage them to do so;
- exclude the possibility of unwarranted deception, undue influence or intimidation;
- seek consent only after the prospective participant has sufficient knowledge of the relevant facts and the consequences of his or her participation, and has had sufficient opportunity to consider participation;
- as a general rule, obtain from each potential participant a signed form as proof of their informed consent, and
- renew the informed consent of each participant if important changes occur in the conditions or procedures of the investigation.
Before seeking a person's consent to participate in research, the researcher must provide the following information, in a language that person is able to understand:
- that each person is invited to be a research participant, and the objectives and methods of the research;
- the expected duration of the person's participation;
- the benefits that could reasonably be expected in favor of the participant or others, as a result of the research;
- any foreseeable risks or discomforts that may affect the person, associated with their participation in the research;
- any other procedure or treatment that could be as advantageous to the participant as the procedure or treatment being tested;
- the extent to which files identifying the participant will be kept confidential;
- that the person is free to refuse to participate and will be free to withdraw from the research at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which they would otherwise be entitled
These guidelines are consistent with the ethical code of the University of Santiago de Compostela, institution to which this Journal belongs.
Corrections, retraction and deletion
RGE/GJE through the USC publisher is committed to maintaining the integrity of the academic record. Therefore, the articles that have been published will be preserved unaltered as far as possible. However, circumstances may arise in which an article is published that must subsequently be modified, retracted or deleted.
In this sense, the policies of the journal’s editorial board are specified in the following points:
- - Expressions of concern
- - Errata and corrections
- - Withdrawal of an article
- - Retraction of an article
- - Deletion of an article.
1. Expressions of concern. The journal’s direction may publish an expression of concern if they believe that readers should be informed of the potentially misleading content of an article. The direction, aware of the repercussions that such action could have on the reputation of its authors, will only publish such expression after consulting an independent expert committee that reports on the matter.
2. Errata and corrections. Authors who find misprints or honest errors, once the article is published, must inform the journal about them. Errata that do not affect the understanding of the text (typographical or formatting errors) may be rejected in order to maintain the integrity of the published works. When errors affect the visibility, citation possibilities or correct understanding of the article, a warning of the error will be published together with the metadata of the published article and a note of the error together with the file with the content of the error, and a link will be created between the warning + metadata and the note + file.
3. Withdrawal of an article. Authors can ask the journal to withdraw their work before publication. To this end, they must send a written request that include a reasoned justification for such request and, in the case of co-authorship, it must be signed by all concerned parties.
4. Retraction of an article. An article will be retracted if:
- - It had been previously published in another journal or publication medium.
- - It contains false claims of authorship, fraudulent use of data or multiple submission.
- - It includes libelous or gratuitous comments that damage the personal or professional honor of others.
- - It contains conclusions that have been previously published and there are no cross references to them.
- - It has plagiarism or inappropriate authorship.
- - It overlooks a significant conflict of interest during the publication process.
- - There is authorship in dispute. The decision to withdraw or delete a work will be made by the journal's direction team, after consulting, if necessary, the drafting committee and under the guidelines of the COPE.
Retractions of published articles are made by publishing a retraction note, linked to the published article and without altering the original article in any way other than to add a prominent link to the note. In this way, the original article remains in the public domain and the retraction note will be indexed.The retraction note will include the title of the work, its authors and a brief description of the reason for the withdrawal. In the PDF version of the article, a watermark will be placed on all its pages indicating that it is retracted; the html and/or xml version, if it exists, will be deleted. There will be no partial retractions. Any retraction is of the entire work.
5. Deletion of an article. An article will only be removed from the database when it infringes the legal rights of others or is the subject of a court order. In this circumstance, although the metadata will be preserved, the text will be replaced by a notice indicating that the article has been withdrawn for legal reasons
Digital preservation policy
This journal develops various processes in order to preserve permanent access to digital objects hosted on its own servers:
- Backups.
- Monitoring of the technological environment to foresee possible migrations of obsolete formats or software.
- Digital preservation metadata.
- Use of DOI.
The files published on this website are available in easily reproducible formats (PDF)
Anti-plagiarism Policy
This journal is a member of Similarity Check, a multi-publisher initiative started by Crossref to screen published and submitted content for originality.
Through Similarity Check, we use the iThenticate software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted or published manuscripts.
By depositing all of our content in the Similarity Check database we allow other Similarity Check members to screen their submissions against our published articles.
Interoperability protocols
The RGE/GJE provides an interface OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) that allows other websites and information services to harvest the published content metadata.
OAI-PMH Protocol Version 2.0
Dublin Core Metadata
URL for harvesters:
Sources of Support
The RGE/GJE is financed by an annual grant established by a collaboration agreement between the Consellería de Facenda e Administración Pública (Revenue and Public Administration Department) and the Instituto Galego de Promoción Económica (IGAPE) (Galician Economic Promotion Institute), both of the Xunta de Galicia (Government of the Autonomous Community of Galicia). The grant from the Xunta de Galicia is justified by the research articles that the journal publishes in the socio-economic and financial areas that, due to their content, serve as a guideline to design specific measures and actions for a better socio-economic development of the Autonomous Community. This collaboration does not imply a society affiliation between these institutions and the University of Santiago de Compostela, since the ownership of both the name and the brand of the journal and its copyright belong to the University of Santiago de Compostela.