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We are pleased to announce the 2024 Most Cited Paper Awards for the Galician Journal of Economics. This Award go to the research papers published that received the highest numbers of citations according to Scopus in 2022-2024. This year, the Award goes to:
Santiago-Torner, C. (2024). Influencia del teletrabajo sobre el desempeño creativo en empleados con alta formación académica: la función mediadora de la autonomía laboral, la autoeficacia y la autoeficacia creativa. Revista Galega de Economía, 32(1),
Congratulations to the award-winning paper and thank to all authors for their contributions to the Galician Journal of Economics!
On behalf of the Editors, the Revista Galega de Economía/Galician Journal of Economics acknowledges with particular gratitude the following reviewers who have reviewed papers for which the final decision has been made during the year 2023. The high scientific standards maintained by RGE/GJE in its papers owe much to the continuing dedication of the journal ́s reviewers, who give freely of their time and ex-pertise.
The Revista Galega de Economía (Galician Journal of Economics) has reached a collaboration agreement with the Congreso EBEN España, titled "Dinamizando el Cambio para un Futuro Responsable, Ético y Centrado en las Personas", which will take place in Santiago de Compostela from May 21 to 23, 2025.
As part of this agreement, the journal will publish a selection of papers presented at the congress that successfully pass the peer-review process.
We encourage you to visit the official congress website at for more information and to review the submission guidelines.
We are pleased to announce that the Revista Galega de Economía/Galician Journal of Economics has, for the first time, received Clarivate's Journal Impact Factor (JIF, 2023 edition) in the "Economics" category. Additionally, we have renewed the FECYT Editorial Quality Certification due to the journal´s good performance in publication quality. This recognition enhances the impact and visibility of the articles published in our journal, benefiting our authors.
This achievement would not have been possible without the contributions of our authors, reviewers, and editors. We extend our sincere thanks for helping us reach this milestone.
Nowadays, achieving environmental sustainability is one of the most relevant challenges for society. Companies and consumers’ behaviours can play a key role to improve global environmental sustainability. For instance, companies can design and implement environmental practices aimed at reducing energy and resource consumption or encourage employees to perform a behaviour that contributes to greening organizations.
Furthermore, it is necessary to learn more about the environmental repercussions of certain goods and services, also understanding consumers’ perceptions of green products and their motivations to perform environmentally friendly behaviours.
We would like to invite contributions to a Special Issue of the Revista Galega de Economía dedicated to an analysis of pro-environmental behaviour at work and consumer pro-environmental behaviour.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
Green workplace initiatives and employee engagement.
Employees attitudes and behaviours towards pro-environmental behaviours.
The role of leadership in fostering pro-environmental behaviours at work.
Strategies for reducing raw materials, wastes and improving energy efficiency in the workplace.
Promoting green transportation for commuting to work.
Green purchase, green packaging and green supply chain management.
Green human resource management practices.
Consumer perceptions and attitudes towards green products.
Green marketing strategies and consumer behaviour.
Eco-labeling and consumer behaviour.
Factors influencing green purchasing decisions.
Deadline for manuscript submission:
Original research is welcome for publication in this issue. All submissions will undergo double-blind anonymous review to guarantee high scientific quality and relevance to the subject. The Special Issue will be open for submission from 1st June 2024. The deadline is 31st December 2024. Accepted articles will be published on-line approximately one month after acceptance.
Guest Editors:
Dr. Paula Álvarez González (, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Dr. María Jesús López Miguéns (, Universidade de Vigo, Spain)
Dr. Sandra Castro González (, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Dr. Pascal Paillé (, NEOMA Business School, France)
We are pleased to announce the 2023 Most Cited Paper Awards for the Galician Journal of Economics. This Award go to the research papers published in 2021 that received the highest numbers of citations according to Scopus in 2021-2023. This year, the Award goes to:
On behalf of the Editors, the Revista Galega de Economía/Galician Journal of Economics acknowledges with particular gratitude the following reviewers who have reviewed papers for which the final decision has been made during the year 2023. The high scientific standards maintained by RGE/GJE in its papers owe much to the continuing dedication of the journal ́s reviewers, who give freely of their time and ex-pertise.
We are delighted to announce that the Revista Galega de Economía/Galician Journal of Economics has been selected for inclusion in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). As a result of this selection, articles published after 1 January 2021 will now be accessible through ESCI and Web of Science™. This inclusion in ESCI is expected to significantly enhance the visibility of our published research, and provide a mark of quality, with the benefits that this brings to authors. This is a remarkable milestone for the RGE, and we wish to extend our thanks to all the authors, editors, reviewers, and readers who have helped us to reach this achievement.
We are delighted to announce that the Revista Galega de Economía/Galician Journal of Economics, published by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, has been honored with the Quality Imprint of the FECYT and a Mention of good publishing practices in gender equality. This recognition comes as a result of the compliance with the guidelines outlined in the VIII Convocatoria de Evaluación de la Calidad Editorial y Científica de las Revistas Científicas Españolas 2023, as bestowed by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).
Our Journal underwent a rigorous evaluation encompassing both quantitative (impact and visibility) and qualitative (scientific relevance of its publications) aspects during this comprehensive assessment. The achievement of this distinction represents a significant milestone, highlighting the national and international esteem our Journal has garnered within the field of economics research. We extend our sincere gratitude to our contributors, reviewers, and readers for their continued support in making this achievement possible.
The Circular Economy (CE) is a proposal for transforming the current linear model of production and consumption that encompasses a plurality of theoretical approaches, objectives, and instruments.
In recent years, the CE has been incorporated into policy agendas at different levels as a means to promote economic change towards sustainability and climate change mitigation (SDGs, European Green Pact-Circular Economy Action Plan, CE Strategies or Green Transition Strategies of countries, territories, municipalities, companies, etc.). The concepts, objectives, spheres of action and transformational ambition are very diverse.
A rigorous analysis of the foundations of the CE, the coherence between the proclaimed goals and the concrete objectives, instruments and measures put into action is a necessity. This is not only a theoretical and academic necessity, but also a practical necessity to guarantee the materialisation of ambitious real changes in the direction of truly sustainable economies.
A realistic analysis of the necessary changes and their consequences, from a social and territorial perspective, is necessary. Likewise, a realistic consideration of the diversity of starting points in different countries and territories is an essential condition for promoting a real and just transition in this direction, bearing in mind that a profound structural change must necessarily affect not only the production model but also consumption and lifestyles and, therefore, also social relations and inter-territorial and international relations.
The growing academic research on the different aspects of CE, from its conceptualisation, to its relationship with other issues or conceptual frameworks such as green growth, degrowth or post-growth, has opened debates that are still open and require new contributions. The same applies to the analysis of the different tools used to assess the circularity of the changes proposed or implemented, the different policy instruments used or to be used to promote the transition to the CE (regulatory, financial, physical measures, public procurement, industrial, agricultural and consumption policies, policy mixes, policy packages, etc.).
The discussion on the territorial and spatial dimensions of the CE, its relationship with international flows, the Global Value Chains, transport and the infrastructures used are aspects that force us to examine the relationships and contradictions between the CE and the globalisation model of recent decades.
In order to contribute to this objective, we invite you to participate in this Special Issue of the Revista Galega de Economía dedicated to the theoretical and empirical analysis of the circular economy and its relationship with sustainability, including all kinds of critical perspectives such as degrowth and post-growth.
To this end, papers will be accepted on a wide range of topics that have the circular economy as a central theme. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
Conceptualisation of the Circular Economy
Metrics applied to CE
Impacts of the CE (economic, social, environmental)
Empirical analyses of CE
Circular Activities
CE Business Models
Eco-innovation and CE
Technological innovation, digitalisation and CE
Social innovation and CE
Strategies and experiences of CE (business, sectoral, territorial)
Circular Economy and sustainability
CE and Degrowth
CE and globalisation
CE policies (regulatory, industrial, fiscal, financial, consumer, etc.)
CE and Next-Generation funds: Critical study of strategies and projects
CE in Galicia and other countries and territories
Deadline for the submission of manuscripts
This special issue will publish original contributions on this topic. All papers will be subject to an anonymous peer review process (double blind) carried out by experts in order to guarantee the scientific quality and relevance of the articles that are accepted for publication. The deadline is 30th June 2023.
Guest Editors:
Xavier Vence (, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
The growth of digital technologies in the economy has created new opportunities for entrepreneurs. The digital world environment supported by technological devices (e.g. mobile computing) and social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Instagram) have opened up new avenues to create new digital business models and media channels. Multinational companies but also small firms are doing everything or the main part of their business on the web (e.g. Google, Amazon, Facebook).
The unique characteristics of digital technologies made many tools available to entrepreneurs that could be used to innovate and start new ventures. For instance, open innovation and crowdsourcing facilitate co-creation and customer feedback on the development of new products, services, websites or apps. Similarly, crowdfunding platforms (e.g. Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Go Fund Me) made funding a social or business project more simply and fast. Because of the internet, new digital business models (e.g. freemium, subscription, on-demand, affiliate, drop shipping, consulting, advertising, blogging, digital media) exist. Further, business models (features and value of offerings) would continue to evolve even after they have been introduced to the market.
Digital entrepreneurship is the practice of pursuing new ventures opportunities presented by new media on Internet technologies. Therefore, entrepreneurs in a digital economy must be aware of market opportunities for developing new ideas and business models and communicate their value propositions to potential customers and investors. In this context, a question that deserves to be answered is: how entrepreneurs are dealing with an increasingly digital world. To shed light on this topic, we would like to invite contributions to a special thematic section of the Revista Galega de Economia/Galician Journal of Economics dedicated to Entrepreneurship in the age of the digital economy.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
Digital disruptive business models
Digital entrepreneurs and innovation ecosystems
Online startups
Collaborative digital economy
Digital fundraising (Crowdfunding)
Exploring opportunities in virtual markets
Internet-enable small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
Female digital entrepreneurship
Social digital entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial orientation and digital technologies
Digital open innovation (Crowdsourcing)
E-entrepreneurship, e-business, e-commerce
Digital marketing for entrepreneurship
Digital ecosystems for entrepreneurship
Competitive advantage in digital businesses
Market oriented digital entrepreneurs
Deadline for manuscript submissions
Original research is welcome for publication in this special thematic section of this issue. All submissions will undergo anonymous review to guarantee high scientific quality and relevance to the subject. The special thematic section of this issue will be open for submission from 1st of March to 30th September 2022.
We look forward to your submission for consideration for publication in this special thematic section of this issue. Papers will be sent to anonymous reviewers, which will evaluate each submitted paper for acceptability for publication.
Guest Editors:
Susana Bernardino (, Politécnico do Porto, Portugal),
Orlando Rua (, Politécnico do Porto, Portugal)
José de Freitas Santos (, Politécnico do Porto, Portugal)
A paper published in the Revista Galega de Economía wins the VII Galician economy award Valentín Paz Andrade. Congratulations to professor Edelmiro López Iglesias and the rest of winners.
A new paradigm has arrived. COVID-19 has affected the way we work, socialize and spend our leisure time, reshaping some of the most fundamental activities in our day-to-day routines. All these changes in our lifestyle have a clear economic translation.
And this is a global issue. Since the outbreak last December, the virus has spread to more than 200 countries. All the efforts worldwide have been directed towards fighting the virus, finding a vaccine and trying to minimize the negative economic consequences.
There are two types of economic effects: the ones derived from the policy measures taken to contain the transmission, and the ones from the individual change in behaviour. While we are all witnessing the impact from a while ago, it was not until recently that we had data to quantify it. The figure of unemployment claimants, the reduction of tourism demand or the information on business closures, are clear examples of this. And the numbers are striking.
Without a vaccine, all of this is forcing us into a “new normal” situation indefinitely.
In this Special Issue of the Revista Galega de Economía, we would like to invite contributions dedicated to an analysis of the socioeconomic effects of the COVID-19.
Insights on a broad spectrum of themes are welcomed, including, but not restricted to:
The spatial distribution of the economic impacts
Analysis of specific sectors affected (Health services, Tourism activities, etc.)
Consumer behaviour
Labour market effects
Recovery paths and post-lockdown scenarios
Trade and supply chain disruptions
Original research is welcome for publication in this issue. All submissions will undergo anonymous review to guarantee high scientific quality and relevance to the subject. This Special Issue will be open for new submissions until the 15th of December 2020.
Dr. André Carrascal Incera, University of Birmingham (UK),
Dr. Esteban Fernández Vázquez, University of Oviedo (Spain),
Dr. Mònica Serrano, University of Barcelona (Spain),
Cultural itineraries and, particularly, pilgrimage routes have been only recently analysed as a tourism phenomenon. They were not usually designed as a tourism resource initially but they have been increasingly promoted in terms of tourism.
Cultural itineraries involve not just a physical journey through a territory but also a mental journey. Since they involve environmental, cultural and spiritual experiences, they are complex phenomena whose impact on society needs to be considered from a multidisciplinary perspective.
We would like to invite contributions to a Special Issue of the Revista Galega de Economía dedicated to an analysis of the socioeconomic impact of cultural itineraries. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
Analysis of the economic impact on particular localities along the route: patterns of local and endogenous development, economic accounting systems and procedures, the economy of the main cities, new economic and commercial specialization models.
Demographic and other social changes promoted by cultural itineraries.
Marketing strategies for promoting cultural itineraries.
Environmental impacts.
The role of print media, digital media and virtual flows of information, ideas and images in disseminating information about the route.
The role of local business, community and government organisations in promoting the route.
The impact of COVID-19 on cultural itineraries.
Original research is welcome for publication in this issue. All submissions will undergo anonymous review to guarantee high scientific quality and relevance to the subject. The Special Issue will be open for submission from 1 June 2020 to 28 February 2021.
Dr. Ruben Camilo Lois González, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain),
We are grateful to announce that REVISTA GALEGA DE ECONOMY is now member of DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), the benchmark for quality open access scientific journals.
The population in European rural areas during the twentieth century was displaced to urban areas. The result was capital and education tended to concentrate in these areas. In the twenty first century this process has been exacerbated by further movement of people toward certain key urban centers. The wealth of these large empty rural areas is incalculable in terms of heritage, sustainability and quality of life. A key issue for these territories and their population is sustainable management of material resources and human potential. A comprehensive, intelligent, flexible public intervention is necessary to take advantage of opportunities, preserving culture and heritage, and improving attention to an aging population.
We invite you to submit papers for publication with a focus on "Socio-economic challenges of demographic change". Topical areas should involve some aspect such as:
Rural development and entrepreneurial sustainability, demographic change management at local level and intergenerational transfer: income, care or training, among others.
We look forward to your submission for consideration for publication in this special issue. Papers will be sent to anonymous reviewers which will evaluate each submitted paper for acceptability for publication.