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Franco Frabboni
Vol. 5, nº1 (Abril 2016). Infancia y naturaleza, Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 31-38
Submitted: 21-02-2018 Published: 21-02-2018
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Education sows and fertilizes the soil in which thrives the human subject/person in a multidimensional and integral manner. In the wake of that idea of Pedagogy, the image of childhood and adolescence that comes out of the words of Pope Francis is miles away from the ideas about childhood that populate today’s consumer society: that is a bad stepmother for our children, transforming them in simulacra of puppets, created and imposed for market reasons by the commercial industry (clothing, nutrition, fitness) and mass media (TV and digital technologies).
In contrast, the younger generation desired by the Holy Father has got both light wings to fly in the skies of imagination to discover the fantasy galaxies and creativity, both solid legs (love and charity) to walk along the paths of daily life. To go beyond: towards elsewhere.
Pedagogy suffers a growing and worrying epistemic anorexia. Its accredited Educational Theories present a good life oriented design, but only for men and women who inhabit the western part and the northern latitudes of the planet. This people -observes the Holy Father- possesses the same identity card, signed by unmistakable signs of recognition: they are white, literate and rich.

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