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Ángel Luis Hueso Montón
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
No 17 (2018), Subject. Permeable walls: heritage, identity and interculturality
Submitted: 13-11-2018 Accepted: 13-11-2018 Published: 01-03-2019
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One of the most representative features of cinema is its ability to provide a focal point for contributions from different fields, a quality that results in films with a value that goes well beyond the mere sum of individual contributions and to which I refer as the “cinematographic polyhedron”. In this study we analyse a series of films that attest to cinema’s artistic value and which belong to different periods, offer diverse approaches, and were made by different directors: Destiny (Fritz Lang, 1921), Orpheus (Jean Cocteau, 1950), The Saragossa Manuscript (Wojciech Has, 1964) and Goya in Bordeaux (Carlos Saura, 1999).
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