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Angeles Ezama Gil
Universidad Zaragoza
Vol 28 (2022), Monográfico: Últimos avances en el estudio del retrato literario / Coordinadora: Amparo de Juan Bolufer (U. Santiago de Compostela).
Submitted: 04-05-2022 Accepted: 23-02-2023 Published: 02-03-2023
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The El Duende de Madrid y Diálogos de D. Benito newspapers were published at the end of the 80s in the 18th century. The first, in spite of its short life (only seven issues were published), has frequently been used for many types of studies since it offers a good summary of the illustrated ideology, forms part of the espectadores group, and Pedro Pablo Trullench was in charge of it; a journalist, Trullench was also in charge of Memorial Literario. The Diálogos newspaper has been partially read (three of the six issues which are known about) since it is hard to find, and its publishing history is not completely known. Yet both of these newspapers form a duo that is connected by several bonds that make them two parts of the same publishing project. D. Benito’s mask goes without a transition from one to the other, while the duende mask, after disappearing after the 5th issue of El Duende, reappears in the first issue of Diálogos. D. Benito’s mask is longer-lasting than that of the duende and they are both equally humorous.